Activities of "berkansasmaz"

Actually, I faced the same problem, and deleting the following two lines that I said in my previous answer solved my problem.

Then remove the following two lines from the ConfigureAuthentication method in MyProjectNamePublicWebModule.

    options.DefaultScheme = "Cookies";
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "oidc";

I think you can search other places where this is used and delete and test the ones you find one by one.

However, since this issue has been resolved, I'm closing this here.

I open an internal issue for the production service to use the standard ABP microservice service template.


To do this, you need to override the OnPostAsync method;

        // For example
        public override async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string action)
            Console.WriteLine("OnPost - Before");
            var result = await base.OnPostAsync(action);
            Console.WriteLine("OnPost - After");

            return result;

Then remove the following two lines from the ConfigureAuthentication method in MyProjectNamePublicWebModule.

    options.DefaultScheme = "Cookies";
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "oidc";

The final state should be as in the picture;

Finally, add the following code to the appsettings.json file of the MyProjectName.Web.Public project:

  "ConnectionStrings": {

You can try to run the application and login to the public web side.

Note: If you encounter a problem like the picture below after logging in, remove the relevant places from MyProjectNamePublicMenuContributor.

As a result, you can now login via the Public web application and customize it as you wish.

Hi Albert :)

The password for Redis can be given via appsettings.json as in the picture below.

I haven't tried it as environment variables because if it reads from appsettings.json, we can be sure that it will read it as environment variables as well. For more information you can check here.


In our previous conversations, you did not say that you want to do it on the public web side.

As a solution: Compare the MyProjectNameWebPublicModule in the MyProjectName.Web.Public project with the MyProjectNameIdentityServerModule in the MyProjectName.IdentityServer project and add the missing ones to the MyProjectNameWebPublicModule. As a result, you will reach the view in the image below.

Please let us know if it works after you try it.


To do this, you create a common Web project (eg MyProjectName.Web.Common) and move all the information you will use in common, such as MyProjectNameMenuContributor, there. Both projects must have a reference here.

There are two difficulties here:

  1. For example, you must depend on GroupName for AuditLogs menu and some projects for required permissions, if any, so you can remove them from MyProjectName.Web to not reference them in two different places because those dependencies will already come with MyProjectName.Web.Common.

  2. You must get the full URL information for the menus, you can do this in 3 ways. a. Hard coded :( b. By creating a class that holds your URL information to the MyProjectName.Domain.Shared project.

    public static class MyProjectNameExternalUrls
        public const string MyProjectNameAccount = "https://localhost:44333";
        public const string MyProjectNameWeb = "https://localhost:44325";
        public const string MyProjectNameAccount = "";
        public const string MyProjectNameWeb = "";

The advantage of this is that the menu urls change according to the environment, and the disadvantage is that it duplicates the URL information. Because this information is already available in appsettings.json.

c. You can create the structure that suits your needs by using the Options pattern.

In my opinion, the shortest and acceptable one is to create a class like MyProjectNameExternalUrls, but if you have the time, the best solution is to design the necessary structure using the options pattern.

I hope the information I have provided will be of use to you :)

Thank you for reporting the issue.

I tested this situation and faced a similar situation.

I'm opening an internal issue about this because the problem only exists in the Lepton theme. By the way, the ticket refunded.


If you delete the cookies belonging to the application, I think it will be fixed.

But if it doesn't fix, can you write your detailed steps so that I can reproduce the error?

Additional info: If it was fixed by deleting the cookies, you probably had a different application for the same port before, or you deleted and recreated the database. In this case, it is normal to get this error because the id of the tenant in the cookie is still the same.

Yes, that's right, for someone who currently has a blazor-server application, the audit-logs page looks like the picture below, which is not very meaningful.

As a result of my short research on the subject, I encountered many arguments saying that the request path cannot be taken, but I am opening an internal issue for further investigation.

By the way, I'm closing the issue, however, I'll reply it here with the details when we reach a conclusion.


I will share step by step to help your question more. After doing all this, our application will show the menu or not depending on whether the user is logged in or not. Here are the minimum codes to meet these requirements:

Run the following command under the Angular folder: yarn ng generate component my-menu

Then, open the app.component.ts and execute the add method of ReplaceableComponentsService to replace your component with an ABP component as shown below:

It remains only to shape my-menu.component.html and my-menu.component.ts according to the requirements.

Here is my-menu.component.html:

    <div *ngIf="!hasLoggedIn">
        <div #navbarBrand>
    <div *ngIf="hasLoggedIn">
        <h1>Test QA 1664</h1>


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { OAuthService } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
import { AuthService } from '@abp/ng.core';

  selector: 'app-my-menu',
  templateUrl: './my-menu.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-menu.component.scss']
export class MyMenuComponent implements OnInit {
  get hasLoggedIn(): boolean {
    return this.oAuthService.hasValidAccessToken();

  constructor(private oAuthService: OAuthService, private authService: AuthService) {}

  login() {

  ngOnInit() {}  

Please let us know if it works after you try it.

Also some links that I think might be useful:

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