Ok I will share the details shortly.
I want to use both flows i.e. responseType: 'code' and non 'code' flow. How can I achieve that ? The reason is I want to use azure login, which works with 'code' flow which redirect the app to backend for login. But I don't want the code to go each time to backend api for auth.
I want for normal login I can use angular login page and authenticate user, If user choose the login with AD only then he will be redirected to backend api for login with ad and get back and angular take the auth code to log him in
oAuthConfig: { issuer: 'https://{0}.motrv2.com:44368/', redirectUri: baseUrl, clientId: 'motr_App', responseType: 'code', scope: 'offline_access motr', requireHttps: true, },
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Subject: ABP Support Ticket #6108
https://mot-r.co this is the root website
Do you need login details as well ?
How can I check that ? I didn't found much difference
However everything, token etc all the details are stored in local storage
Hi Team,
I am suing responseType: 'code' i.e. My frontend application (Angular) get authenticated from backend and get navigated back after authenticated.
In Normal flow its working fine but in I have a used case I need to use it in iFrame,
In iFrame the user see the login screen and authenticated correctly but after auth it again goes back to login not to frontend.
here are my findings in normal flow it navigated to angular ?code=xxx
but in iFrame it again go back to login
Please suggest how can i fix this.
Thanks for quick reply
Can I install multiple version at same time and switch between them ? Like NVM ?
How can I Switch between different version of ABP CLI and ABP Suite as I have Multiple Project with different version eg. 7.2.2, and 7.4.0
Recently I upgraded by ABP Suite to v7.4.0 and created a new project, Which works fine.
But when I got back to my older project and run abp suite it loads the v7.4.0 templates in abp suite which is obvious.
I downgraded the version to v7.2.2 But still the abp suite is showing v7.4.0 templates for v7.2.2 project.
Can you help me in this how to clear the template cache to get v7.2.2 thing again.
Also Is there any NVM kind of tool for switching between diff versions to work on multiple project ?
How can I allow adding sub-unit of same name in different node of organization ? Here is an example/error
Ed: Adding Orgs and Sub units in following sequence