Activities of "cangunaydin"

  • ABP Framework version: v5
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core

Hello, I am new to Abp structure and i was checking out the docs for microservice structure, i have created a sample solution from abp suite. And i was going through the docs and trying to understand how the system works. I believe on the previous version, solution was using internal gateway to do the communication between services. Why was it removed in this version? Actually i am not sure what was the internal gateway was doing on the previous version. was it only a gateway that is publishing the events from rabbitmq and do the communication between all micro-services? And if it was doing all the communication between all microservices before right now how it has been solved? And i believe only "administration service" needs to make a call to "identity service", is there any other microservice making a call to other microservices?

I think all the built-in modules coming from Abp are now using static http client generation explained here: I understand that administration service need to talk to identityservice and this is done with static http client proxies now. But what i don't understand is why administrationservice needs to depend on 5 contractsmodule which are

AbpAccountAdminApplicationContractsModule AbpAccountPublicApplicationContractsModule ProductServiceApplicationContractsModule SaasServiceApplicationContractsModule IdentityServiceApplicationContractsModule

i couldn't see anything on the documentation why these are needed maybe i am missing sth over here maybe it is related with static http client proxies. Maybe these are kind of basic questions but i am new to microservice concept and new abp structure. I would be glad if you could clarify those points for me.

ps: still on the doc it mentions about internal gateway which is not present probably it would be modified when the v5 is released.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13