Activities of ""

Hi Yusuf,

Thanks for your help! However, I can't find IdentityRoleDto and GetIdentityUsersInput from @abp/ng.identity/proxy, nor EXTENSIONS_IDENTIFIER and FormPropData from @abp/ng.components/extensible.

What should I do to import these into our project?

ok thanks

input class:

export interface GetAuditLogListDto extends PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto {
    startTime?: string;
    endTime?: string;
    url?: string;
    userName?: string;
    applicationName?: string;
    clientIpAddress?: string;
    correlationId?: string;
    httpMethod?: string;
    httpStatusCode?: number;
    maxExecutionDuration?: number;
    minExecutionDuration?: number;
    hasException?: boolean;

the api: /api/audit-logging/audit-logs

ok thank you

ok maliming

yeah, thanks liangshiwei

thanks liangshiwei

ok thanks

Ok, how can I enable for GET request and only apply for my client?

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