Activities of ""

hi, I want to migrate all application configuration settings from appsettings.json to the database and the application reads configuration settings from the database instead of appsettings.json

can you help me for that

ABP Framework version: v7.3.2 UI Type: Angular Database System: MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Yes Exception message and full stack trace: [Provide any relevant details] Steps to reproduce the issue:

I just want to run Docker Compose with the debug mode instead of running the API and auth server projects

This issue occurs after I log in successfully. It still works when I access the Angular page without logging in.

replace on authserver and api appsetting, right? how about angular env?

System.InvalidOperationException: IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: 'http://localhost:44395/.well-known/openid-configuration'. ---> System.IO.IOException: IDX20804: Unable to retrieve document from: 'http://localhost:44395/.well-known/openid-configuration'. ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Cannot assign requested address (localhost:44395) ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (99): Cannot assign requested address at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.<ConnectAsync>g__WaitForConnectWithCancellation|281_0(AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs saea, ValueTask connectTask, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectToTcpHostAsync(String host, Int32 port, HttpRequestMessage initialRequest, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

my setup on "AuthServer": { "Authority": "http://localhost:44395", "RequireHttpsMetadata": "false", "SwaggerClientId": "BackOffice_Swagger", "PasswordlessClientId": "BackOffice_App", "PasswordlessScope": "openid offline_access BackOffice" },

on authserver: "AuthServer": { "Authority": "http://localhost:44395", "RequireHttpsMetadata": "false" },

that is my question link :)))

I have tried but still not working, let me try again with empty project, if still not work, I will send that to you

can I send you my project?

what should I do now?

I opened that link on another tab and it's working well but not sure why the request is not working when calling from the Angular app.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 16, 2025, 11:47