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Activities of "enisn"

Currently we don't have a clear plan to implement Blazor SSR for CMS Kit Public side. We'll wait and see how the new Blazor Web App framework goes, than we decide. As we can see, even Microsoft makes it the default framework in the documentations, probably it'll be a fundamental option for web development in the future of Asp.Net Core. But we'll see in time.

But for SEO enhancements, we planned that issue but haven't started working on yet, I'll inform you when it's clear but it won't be included in v8.1 for sure.

Probably it happens because of SecureStorage

Have you configured it for production for each platform?

You have to take some action on your device, you can try following this topic:


Most of the problems came from Perfect Scrollbar on Blazor, because in the Blazor Logic, DOM is updated at runtime without page refresh. So PS can't handle it.

We removed the perfect scrollbar from Blazor UI in the LeptonX version 3.1 (compatible to ABP v8.1.0) and the native scrollbar will be visible in the newer versions.


  • CMS Kit public side is implemented in MVC only because of SEO capabilities.

  • CMS Kit is not designed for this. The entities of CMS Kit are multi-tenant and they can be managed separately for each tenant.

You can override the following sections to make it fit to your conditions:

Probably you're familiar with this but if you struggle in any topic you can follow Overriding Services steps to override services in your application.

  1. Menu items are added in here: But as a better single-point approach you can override MenuItemPublicAppService and add Host menu items always.

  2. Even you show menu items from host, CMS Kit pages or blog post won't be opened, you should override PagePublicAppService and modify logic and make it includes Host entities too:

  3. And same for BlogPostPublicAppService

You can use Disabling Data Filters feature for disabling IMultiTenant feature in the queries.

Hi, AbpApplication can't be initialized without retrieving application-configuration. So, it's not possible to initialize the same application without application configuration. Here are 2 ways to go:

1 ) You can cache application-configuration once it's retrieved and read application-configuration from local storage if it's not available, and you have to implement offline cases on each page. It's tough and complex way.

2 ) You can handle it if the backend isn't reachable and show the error page. (In that way application can't be opened without restarting when backend is available again)

Here the steps to show error in your application:

  • Go to MauiProgram.cs, find the following code block and remove it
  • Go to App.xaml.cs and initialize it in here and show an error page when it can't be initialized. Change the MainPage = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<AppShell>() section in theconstructor with the following pattern:
     // Regular scenario, everything is fine:
     MainPage = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<AppShell>();
 catch (Exception ex)
     MainPage = new ContentPage {  Content = new Label { Text = ex.Message } };

     // Log the exception with your tracking tool, AppCenter, Sentry, etc.
     // Crashes.TrackError(exception);

It seems the previous bug has been solved with the latest patch release.

Since it was a bug, your credit has been refunded

Can you check if overriding LogoUrl and LogoReverseUrl works or not?

In the LeptonX both of them should be defined at the same time since it supports client-side dark/light changes.

A default BrandingProvider should be included in your project by default.

 [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    public class MyProjectBrandingProvider : DefaultBrandingProvider
        public override string LogoUrl => "/logo.png";
        public override string LogoReverseUrl=> "/logo-dark.png";


Confirmed that menu overflow it a bug of leptonx and we'll work on it.

For rest of the features; Have you updated your blazor wasm bundles after switching between layouts with abp bundle command?

Try updating them cleanly, run abp clean first and then execute abp bundle command inside your blazor wasm project.

Yes, you need to add view imports to work that cshtml file work properly. Then, you'll be overridden the default logic page, you can make any changes according to LeptonX HTML demo

Can you check if abp-script tags are colored (Tag helpers are imported)

If not, you can crate a_ViewImports.cshtml file in the same folder with following imports:

@using System.Globalization
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
@addTagHelper *, Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap
@addTagHelper *, Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bundling

_(Or you can add them into the same file, but creating ViewImports is suggested.)

Showing 31 to 40 of 496 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 20, 2024, 13:06