Activities of "improwise"

There seem to be a weird bug in ABP Suite that adds spaces to some names when entities are generated. Some examples

Actual values

Generated values:

"Endpoint": "Endpoint",
"P256dh": "P 2 5 6dh",
"Auth": "Auth",

When trying to run a brand new Blazor WASM project created by ABP Suite (RC5) it is very slow (like 30 seconds to even get it started locally on a fast desktop). You will also get this error

Volo.Abp.IdentityModel.IdentityModelAuthenticationService[0] Could not find IdentityClientConfiguration for AbpMvcClient. Either define a configuration for AbpMvcClient or set a default configuration.

You also get this error:

The loading of “https://localhost:44382/connect/authorize?client_id=ABPTesterBlazorWASM_Blazor&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A44379%2Fauthentication%2Flogin-callback&response_type=code&scope=openid%20profile%20ABPTesterBlazorWASM%20roles%20email%20phone%20offline_access&state=7f15c1ee6e0842f59f1e5e8503ac3080&code_challenge=rcpJKaRIzrVtDFdxwzbIO9iDA-4FTolIF5vOtNuEaL4&code_challenge_method=S256&prompt=none&response_mode=query” in a frame is denied by “X-Frame-Options“ directive set to “sameorigin“. authorize


This seems to be IIS Express related. First error message remains though but is only a warning.

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional but when creating a Blazor WASM in ABP Suite, it creates both a ProjectName.Blazor and a ProjectName.Blazor.Client project, ie just like if you create a Blazor WebApp project. This is different from the Visual Studio template which only creates a single project for Blazor WASM, and also unlike how it was before from what I remember (could be wrong). If you create a Blazor Server project, it will still only be a ProjectName.Blazor project.

So it seeems ABP Suite basically creates a WASM version of the Blazor WebApp, which you can also see by it containing .AddInteractiveWebAssemblyComponents(); etc.

It does seem to be working though, but not sure if this is intentional but it is at least different from the Blazor WASM template in Visual Studio?

In the new version, we switched to Blazor WebApp hosting logic. Yes your project will have both of projects (.Blazor and .Blazor.Client) but its behavior is what you pick while creating. If you choose WASM, it'll work as blazor-wasm, if you choose server, it'll work as blazor-server. We just merged infrastructure of all blazor project-types. Still you can create an old template and upgrade it to use previous logic

Thanks for the info. I believe this is a good decision going forward as I would imagine that the WebApp will sooner or later replace the other two alternatives, or rather merge them into the WebApp setup.

This does mean however that the current documentation needs to be updated as it currently still assumes the old structure, like

"Create a Books Page It's time to create something visible and usable! Right click to the Pages folder under the Acme.BookStore.Blazor project and add a new razor component, named Books.razor:"

Which I assume would now be the .Client project rather (at least for WASM). Maybe you've already got that planned for when the actual release is as the documentation is probably still correct for pre WebApp support.

You can report all your ABP-related issues on this platform.
Other platforms are for open-source users. We read all these posts and take necessary actions.

PS: You can still use the following platforms to find a community-supported solution.


Thanks! Glad to hear. After all, we are in this together :)

I don't think that we are the only customers that would want a little more feedback in the commercial support forums. Does not really have to be all that much but just to know that someone from ABP is actually reading what we write and also if it leads to some kind of action and if so, what it is. Basically what GitHub Issues/Discussion offers. I also think that this would encourage ABP Commercial Customers to actually give feedback when you know that someone at ABP is really reading and using it. Which would be good for everyone I think. I know from my own experience/mistakes how easy it is to assume that everyone knows as much as you do yourself just because you happen to be in the loop yourself.

Have you ever considered actually setting up a GitHub alternative to these support forums? I would imagine that most of the ABP team is using GitHub all day long as well so it would be easier to have everything in one place. Or perhaps simply just allow commercial issues in the normal GitHub issues, as those seem to thrive with activity, even though I can understand there being some cons to that as well since the codebase there does not include the commercial features.


Is anyone from ABP actually following this thread?

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional but when creating a Blazor WASM in ABP Suite, it creates both a ProjectName.Blazor and a ProjectName.Blazor.Client project, ie just like if you create a Blazor WebApp project. This is different from the Visual Studio template which only creates a single project for Blazor WASM, and also unlike how it was before from what I remember (could be wrong). If you create a Blazor Server project, it will still only be a ProjectName.Blazor project.

So it seeems ABP Suite basically creates a WASM version of the Blazor WebApp, which you can also see by it containing .AddInteractiveWebAssemblyComponents(); etc.

It does seem to be working though, but not sure if this is intentional but it is at least different from the Blazor WASM template in Visual Studio?

When creating a new Blazor WASM in ABP Suite you get

Cannot change the connection string in /aspnet-core/etc/docker/appsettings.json. Error: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'RemoteServices.AbpAccountPublic.BaseUrl', line 24, position 6.

(Default value for connection string and db used, ie no changes to what ABP Suite suggests)

Seems like this is being handled here now

Would be nice if there were a way to know this, I just happened to see this by luck as I don't normally scroll through every issue, is there a way to see GH issues related with support tickets here?

Where can I find more information about the ABP Personal Edition license?

Note sure if these are in anyway related to each other, maybe not but related areas

Showing 131 to 140 of 251 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 08:49