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Activities of "improwise"

No yet.this work is still in progress

So no support for React Native/ Expo in ABP for now since the current implementation is based on the now deprecated Expo SDK 49?

There seem to be problems/confusion regarding how to translate ABP so I create a ticket here as well, also because there might be differences between ABP Free and Commercial. Also considering that you may or may not have access to the source code needed for things outside of the ABP open source framework.


Please provide updated instructions on how we can translate ABP Commercial to Swedish (or any other language for that matter) in a way that works properly with latest ABP version. We don't mind doing a lot of the required leg work and sharing the result as long as we get clear instructions/documentation on how to do it.


ABP prices going up, ABP services going down...


The template is very raw. major functionalities like login, redux and localization is still pending it seems that made me worry about the timeline.

So what is actually included then besides what comes with a standard Expo project?

Hello again. If you mean that the navbar cannot be pinned for the 1200px, the expected behavior is not satisfied. Normally, it should be pinned if the size is 1200px and wider, and open on hover if the width is less. But, it seems working in both cases.

I have also checked on different browsers such as Safari, Opera and Firefox. If you are getting this error for another browser type, I can assist further.

It covers parts of the page content at 1200 px. Been a while since I created this but as I recall we only tested it in Chrome (on Windows 11) as that is the most popular browser.


I understand that, In fact, you don't have to worry about it, the main difference between the old and the new template is the configuration file. If you want, you can absolutely use the new template to develop your application. The beta phase I mentioned is the studio, not the template.


What is the target date for when Docker support will be added to the new templates? The link given above https://github.com/abpframework/abp/milestone/107 does not seem to include a task for Docker from what I can see?

It seem like the new CLI when using --old does not work if you have a Windows username with a space in it (Firstname Lastname). The actual old CLI as well as the new CLI without the --old does not seem to have this problem. Is there a way to make it work?

\src>abp new BookStore --old [10:36:38 ERR] 'C:\Users\Firstname' is not recognized as an internal or external command, [10:36:38 ERR] operable program or batch file.

(And yes, I am well aware of the fact that Windows in general have limitations with usernames with a space in it even in 2024).

Thanks for responding.


Here are some relevant explanations.


Thanks for that. What is the timeline on this?

December 31, 2024 you can see the milestone here https://github.com/abpframework/abp/milestone/107

I am not seeing anything Docker related on that page though?

Based on other posts here, I believe that we are not the only ones that are currently confused / frustrated about what CLI / templates to actually use for new projects intended for production, especially considering that ABP Studio (and the new CLI I think) is still in beta. I hope ABP will be able to address this situation better going forward as I feel that we have been stuck in a holding pattern for quite some time now.

Yes, the studio is still in the beta phase and almost stable. If you want a stable template, I still recommend you use the old CLI.

In fact, you can use the new template and copy the Docker configuration from the old template to the new template. It's a little ugly, but it works.

Have read the page above a few times by now, and together with what is communicated in forums etc. I don't really see the message "if you want to build for production, use the old CLI" coming across clearly, especially the "so if I use the old CLI, what will happen when that is dropped in the near future?" question. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the challenge of making this transition from old to new and the reasons for it, at the same time, it also creates some challenges for us customers going forward with new projects.

This is probably beyond the scope of this thread though, but I would recommend that ABP looks into improving the communication and recommendations about this as I get the feeling that we are not the only one feeling a bit of discomfort at the moment going forward because of this. Then of course there is .NET Aspire on the horizon as well.


and as of now, no included Docker support regardless of what ABP version you use unless you add it yourself?

No, you can use the old CLI to create the project. abp new BookStore --old

AFAIK, ABPs recommendation is not to use the old CLI any more though and based on this thread https://abp.io/support/questions/7625/React-Native--Expo-migration?CurrentPage=2, old CLI / templates will not have support for React Native etc going forward?

This compared to the previous CLI which had full support for Docker and Docker Compose out of the box?

I will bring the previous docker support to the new template.

Thanks for that. What is the timeline on this?

Based on other posts here, I believe that we are not the only ones that are currently confused / frustrated about what CLI / templates to actually use for new projects intended for production, especially considering that ABP Studio (and the new CLI I think) is still in beta. I hope ABP will be able to address this situation better going forward as I feel that we have been stuck in a holding pattern for quite some time now.


Studio focus on the Kubernetes, but Docker support is also important, we will consider add Docker compose to the template in the next version. https://abp.io/docs/latest/studio/kubernetes

Thanks for answering.

Just to make sure we understand this correctly, going forward, there is basically no container support in ABP unless you have a business or enterprise license, and as of now, no included Docker support regardless of what ABP version you use unless you add it yourself?

This compared to the previous CLI which had full support for Docker and Docker Compose out of the box?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 02, 2024, 12:35