Hi, An unhandled exception has occurred. See browser dev tools for details. Reload(In console: Invocation canceled due to the underlying connection being closed.) , when clicked Reload it works. After doing some research i got to know that this is arising only when i add entities to Module (new Module added to solution).In Log, the error shows as [ERR] Unhandled exception in circuit '97X0b7xtEA1oi719RYRX51AXfS8y8FVO2dELunj6XLM'.
Thank you
Hi, Got it.. Thanks
ObjectExtensionManager.Instance.Modules() .ConfigureModuleA(moduleA => { moduleA.ConfigureApple(user => { user.AddOrUpdateProperty<Guid>( "DepartmentId", property => { property.UI.Lookup.Url = "/api/departments"; property.UI.Lookup.DisplayPropertyName = "name"; } ); }); }); property.UI.Lookup.Url = "/api/departments"; property.UI.Lookup.DisplayPropertyName = "name"; why is this needed? is this controller Route
Hi, ModuleExtensionConfigurationHelper .ApplyEntityConfigurationToUi( IdentityModuleExtensionConsts.ModuleName, IdentityModuleExtensionConsts.EntityNames.User, createFormTypes: new[] { typeof(Volo.Abp.Identity.Web.Pages.Identity.Users.CreateModalModel.UserInfoViewModel) }, editFormTypes: new[] { typeof(Volo.Abp.Identity.Web.Pages.Identity.Users.EditModalModel.UserInfoViewModel) } ); in CreateFormTypes what will come for BlazorServer UI
Hi, How to do object Extension for a newly added module. For ex. I added Module A to the main app. I have an entity Apple in ModuleA. I need to add some field to Object Extension . how can i achieve it Provide us with the following info:
Hi, Thanks for the reply. Let me explain in detail. I am having Module A and Module B. i want entity in module A to be used in Module B. i am generating via abp suite. can you please explain the process to do that. i also heard like creating a Shared module and use the shared module to communicate . can you please explain the process to do that. what i did was, i created Module abd added to solution. then i separately added entity to each module created via abpsuite. please let me know the process is correcr or not.
Hello, I am adding ModulaA and ModuleB in to a solution. I want to use entity from Module B to A as Navigation, i am having issue The entity type 'ExtraPropertyDictionary' requires a primary key to be defined. If you intended to use a keyless entity type, call 'HasNoKey' in 'OnModelCreating'. For more information on keyless entity types, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2141943.'