Activities of "jfistelmann"


you can address that by removing/ commenting out the PackageReference in common.props

You do not need the reference if you use the code directly.

Does that solve your issue?


I did the following to reproduce your setup:

Starting from C:\repos I created the folder abp. Inside of that, I cloned the abp framework After that, I downloaded the source code of every commercial project in the original abp folder with a seperate sub folder for each module. This lead to the following structure: C:\repos\abp --| abp (with abp framework code) --| account --| audit-logging --| gdpr --| identity-pro --| language-management --| openiddict --| saas --| text-template-management --| and so on

after that, I created a folder for this case: --| support/5140 and then I executed the following command

abp new MyNewProject --template app-pro --ui blazor-server --database-provider ef -dbms SQLite --local-framework-ref --abp-path ..\..\..\..\ --version 7.2.2

(I did not use all the parameters you added to save some time - but the things I omitted should not matter)

I then executed dotnet build and had some issues, too.

Domain project

I had to replace Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates with a nuget package as you described. It was however the only place where I could find a reference to licensing. The search was made from C:\Repos\abp

Application Contracts

I had to comment out identity pro because it was already added by another project referencing it


Same reason as before.

After that, the build went through. Please let me know If I followed your description correctly. I will discuss this internally with the team to find possible solutions for that or to adjust the documentation and come back to you with the result.

Can you please elaborate on this one? Since the 'upgrade' command has not worked well for us in the past

In addition to that you said that you add your code directly on top of abp code (inside the same assembly) - and that your current process is as follows:

  1. A new version comes out (let's say 7.2.1 -> 7.2.2)
  2. You make a new repository for that and download the code from version 7.2.2 into that
  3. You transfer your own code changes to that new repository

Did I get that right? If yes, please consider either

  1. Writing modules for your own code and install them to stay maintainable. You can then use abp upgrade again
  2. Shift the process. Keep one repository - lets say "MyAbpTextTemplatingModule". When a new version is available, create a branch for example "abp-722" and merge that into your custom repository. That way you will have way less headaches and you will be way faster in adapting new versions.

kind regards Jack


I tried to reproduce the issue with the latest version of abp (7.2.2 as of today) and I could not reproduce the issue. I implemented it as described here:

Can you please check if the issue occurs using the latest version?

kind regards Jack

Hello, the issues seem to come from issues with database migrations.

TLDR: Clean up duplicates and ensure migrations are all created and applied.

Issue 1

Duplicate feature name: Account.EnableLdapLogin

Please check the AbpFeatures-Table for any duplicate entries and remove duplicates

Also take a look at the AbpFeatureValues-Table and ensure that you do not delete the one that is already in use.

Issue 2

Invalid object name 'AbpLocalizationResources

This says that the table is missing. When you check your database you should see that this table not there.

Please create a new migration and check if that creates a class which adds/ manipulates tables. If that's the case, apply it. If not, make sure that your migrations are all applied. To do that, check your EntityFrameworkCore-Project and open the migrations folder

after that, open your databases __EFMigrationsHistory-Table

If they do not match, run DbMigrator

Hope this helps.

Kind regards Jack


In line 52 it says: 1>D:\Teams\project\aspnet-core\modules\Volo.Account.Pro\src\Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Installer\Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Installer.csproj : error NU1102: Unable to find package Volo.Abp.Studio.ModuleInstaller with version (>= 7.2.2)

Please take a look at your csproj files and search for Volo.Abp.Studio.ModuleInstaller

The latest version of that package is 5.3.5 as you can see here. So simply change 7.2.2 to 5.3.5

It may well be that the other projects fail to build because of that error. Can you please make described changes and check again?


let me rephrase just to ensure that I understood your issue.

  1. You want to use Blob Storage with the file system provider
  2. Instead of setting a hardcoded base path (like described here you want to use a value which is determined at runtime

You can archieve that by implementing your own IBlobFilePathCalculator as described here:

An example would look as follows:

using System.IO;
using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring;
using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.FileSystem;
using Volo.Abp.Settings;

namespace app;

public class MyBlobFilePathCalculator : IBlobFilePathCalculator
    private readonly ISettingProvider _settingProvider;

    public MyBlobFilePathCalculator(ISettingProvider settingProvider)
        _settingProvider = settingProvider;

    public string Calculate(BlobProviderArgs args)
        string basePath = _settingProvider.GetOrNullAsync("MySetting").Result;

        return Path.Combine(basePath, args.ContainerName, args.BlobName);


You can change the title of your page by configuring a branding provider like described here:

The title will be set from what you define as AppName

For your blazor server application, you may check the _Host.cshtml file and replace the string inside <title></title>

Please let me know if that works for you or if you have any additional questions in that matter :)

Thank you liangshiwei and sorry for the late response.

I ended up with something like this:

@model Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerFeature

    Layout = "_Layout";
    ViewData["Title"] = "Error";

<div class="container">
    <h1>Oops! Something went wrong.</h1>
    <p>We're sorry, but an error has occurred. Please try again later.</p>
    @if (Model?.Error != null)
    <p>If you continue to experience problems, please contact <a href=""></a>.</p>

I was kind of irritated that I needed to provide a page because I assumed that the LeptonXErrorViewComponent would still handle that.


Sorry for the bad experience, we will fix those problems, and your ticket refunded.

About the Issue 3 - CmsKit - cannot upload images

It's not related to ABP, you can see:

Hi liangshiwei, thank you very much. Sorry for not finding the answer to Issue 3 myself - suggested fix works like a charm.

Issue 1 is left but not important for me at the moment.

Regarding issue 5 - I could not reproduce it locally so I thought it was a misconfiguration of my prod server. Now I am not sure anymore. Need to wait for

From my perspective we can close this issue. If 4894 is fixed and the forwarding thing still persists, I'll make that reproducable and open another ticket.


Please update the src/Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.LeptonX/Themes/LeptonX/Components/SideMenu/MobileNavbar/Default.cshtml with below code

Hey, did that on my side. Works now as expected.

As for the Theme-Bug. Took a look into that and that just can not work as expected.


In the first loop, you add every style. then, you add the system menu - no matter what and style it as selected.

I removed lines 36 to 44 and live with the fact that on page load - the currently selected theme is not highlighted. The logic would need to be adjusted so that the loop considers the current style setting

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13