Activities of "mahmut.gundogdu"

Hi, I have tried, and I couldn't produce the issue CLI version 5.3.4. What is your operating system? Could you remove (if it exists) yarn.lock and/or package-lock.json, then install packages again. Could you check the @abp/ng.schematics version with the command yarn why @abp/ng.schematics

Ok so we should not save the custom features setting in DB table and it will be saved only in cache.

The If you want to add or remove some feature, please use the Abp feature service/Api. Feature API handle storing data and invalidate cache operations.

Hi Team, Can i access the configuration values in the C#. Please share the sample

There is an example that is related to "how to check feature in C#" in docs. Please check the link

Hi Mahmut, Thanks. Can you help me with sample for router.provider.

Nothing is changed. It still has the same logic when using the router.provider. So you can use the sample whenever you want on the app.

Also how can I save the set/get into the "AppFeatureValue" table as with the above example I cannot find the new record in this table.

You shouldn't get or set it in the database table it has its own logic like storing in Redis and much more. You can get or set it via c#. See the documentation *. You can change in UI.

I have tested, and I couldn't produce any slow steps. Please check your Redis instance. it should be running. Could you send a backend log and browser console errors and/or example code ?

I've tested in resource owner flow and normal mode. my steps: my app is angular+ef with sql server (all is working on my computer). Version is 5.3.3

  1. I created an app
  2. create tenant
  3. go to login page
  4. choose tenant that I created
  5. login with it. result: it works in a sec. maybe I miss something. Could you give some information ?

1- Define a FeatureDefinitionProvider

using support3518.Localization;
using Volo.Abp.Features;
using Volo.Abp.Localization;
using Volo.Abp.Validation.StringValues;

public class MyFeatureDefinitionProvider : FeatureDefinitionProvider {
    public override void Define(IFeatureDefinitionContext context)
            var myGroup = context.AddGroup(MyCustomFeatures.GroupName);
            myGroup.AddFeature(MyCustomFeatures.PdfReporting, "false",L("PdfReporting"), L("Pdf Reporting Desc"), new ToggleStringValueType());
    private static LocalizableString L(string name)
        return LocalizableString.Create<support3518Resource>(name);

public static class  MyCustomFeatures
    public const string GroupName = "MyFeature";

    public const string PdfReporting = GroupName + ".PdfReporting";

2- Add [RequiresFeature] attribute on AppService

3- Get Feature status and add or remove menu.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ConfigStateService, RoutesService } from '@abp/ng.core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(config: ConfigStateService, routes: RoutesService) {
    const isFeatureActive = config.getFeature('MyFeature.PdfReporting');
    if (isFeatureActive !== 'true') {


I have implemented on App.component.ts but you can make whenever you want like router provider or even you can make custom guard.

If we are talking about "access management" of the menu. All menu have their permission. You can manage permissions for any edition. Then if the tenant has permission, the user of the tenant sees the menu. I hope I've understood your issue. otherwise you should give us more information about your primary goal of the issue


I couldn't understand well but if you want to change layout. You just remove abp-dynamic-layout. and add <router-outlet> and are ready to go. if you want to use <abp-sidemenu> you can use it. Just add in HTML.


I would like to re use your components, like your menu, to create a secondary menu

my secondary menu is dinamic based on the context and role, but as you can see, the style, the behavior are not the same, so I have to create a component to fit your style, so is better if I could re-use your component.

also I need to work with breadcrumb

Sorry, there are no presentation components. We will create theme components as a separate component pack but for now there are no visual components.


I couldn't understand well but if you want to change layout. You just remove abp-dynamic-layout. and add <router-outlet> and are ready to go. if you want to use <abp-sidemenu> you can use it. Just add in HTML.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13