Did you tired the workaround. it works on my local. you can change the code ? I tried over and over and I couldn't find yet.
yes, we talked and The design team fixed. in the next release the issue will be fixed. it was bug. due that I have refunded your credit.
I see the issue. I refunded your credit and I have opened an issue. It will fixed next patch.
I would like to customize the existing reusable ngx-datatable without having to create a new one. But due to this problem I can't reflect my changes.
Does the npm install @abp/ng.theme.shared command download the code locally for customization?
You can't do that with local packages. I am trying to find why this packages throw this error. I will send solution or a workarond soon.
It might be design decision. I have asked my teammate (at design team). I will answer, then he described me?
Hi Team,
One more question on this.
how can I reorder the position of themes
Suppose I need the theme in following order
- Custom Theme
- Light
- Dark
- Dim
- System
export const NEW_THEME_PROVIDER = [
provide: LPX_THEMES,
useValue: [...LPX_THEME_STYLES_DEFAULTS, myNewThemeDefinition], // <- Change your order in there
// for example [myNewThemeDefinition,...LPX_THEME_STYLES_DEFAULTS ]
//or [...[...LPX_THEME_STYLES_DEFAULTS, myNewThemeDefinition].reverse()]
I know the issue but I couldn't fix. It related with 'extensions' sub packages. if you remove the extensions sub package. it will work. What is your main purpose ? Maybe I can give alternative way.
I see the issue. We made a mistake in v7.3; it will be fixed in the next patch version. I refunded your credit. Here a workaround. You should add a provider.
import { AccountLayoutComponent, AccountLayoutModule } from '@volosoft/abp.ng.theme.lepton-x/account';
import { APP_INITIALIZER, NgModule, inject } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreModule, ReplaceableComponentsService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { eThemeLeptonXComponents } from '@volosoft/abp.ng.theme.lepton-x';
useFactory: ()=> {
const replaceableComponents = inject(ReplaceableComponentsService);
return () => {
key: eThemeLeptonXComponents.AccountLayout,
component: AccountLayoutComponent,
multi: true,
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
There is a provider for replacing the theme items whose name is LPX_THEMES
if you want to create a new css file on lepton x theme. you should follow the docs. https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/themes/lepton-x/source-files#adding-new-theme-bundle-to-source-file
bundle names must match with angular.json.
"input": "src/css/my-filename.css",
"inject": false,
"bundleName": "my-bundle-bundle" // <--- that is the name in the code.