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Activities of "n.uerkmez"

Hi, How can Swagger's authority be set dynamically based on the subdomain like demo1.authserver.mydomain.com or demo2.authserver.mydomain.com instead of authserver.mydomain.com? Otherwise, it gets an access token always for the host regardless of tenant subdomain name(demo1, demo2).

private static void ConfigureSwagger(ServiceConfigurationContext context, IConfiguration configuration)

       ** configuration["AuthServer:Authority"])!,**
        new Dictionary<string, string>
                {"DemoMultitenant", "DemoMultitenant API"}
        options =>
            options.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "DemoMultitenant API", Version = "v1" });
            options.DocInclusionPredicate((docName, description) => true);
            options.CustomSchemaIds(type => type.FullName);


I've solved the problem for the time being. If I reencounter it, I'll reopen the ticket. But for now, please refund my ticket.


  • ABP Framework version: v8.1.3
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

1 separate auth server (linux), 1 static web application, 1 host api (linux), 1 hostapi (windows) on Azure platform. xxx is a subdomain under** immo-prov.de **of doamin

https://xxx.immo-prov.de => (angular application) https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de =>(auth server) https://xxx.api.immo-prov.de=> (host api) https://xxx.api-win.immo-prov.de=> (host windows api)

I can log in from Swagger and Authserver interface, but Angular UI unfortunately requests serially to authserver requests. Token is trying to validate https://auth-server.immo-prov.de instead of https://xxx.auth-server.immoprov.de.

/.well-known/openid-configuration result is as follows issuer: "https://auth-server.immo-prov.de/" has no xxx subdomain whereas he rests have.

issuer: "https://auth-server.immo-prov.de/", authorization_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/connect/authorize", token_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/connect/token", introspection_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/connect/introspect", end_session_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/connect/logout", revocation_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/connect/revocat", userinfo_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/connect/userinfo", device_authorization_endpoint: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/device", jwks_uri: "https://xxx.auth-server.immo-prov.de/.well-known/jwks",

I need a solution as soon as possible.

Since 2 days I have been reading your documents. Unfortunately, I could not find a solution. If possible you can connect with remote access and analyze the problem.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Best Regards

Thanks. How can I get existing access_token from abp angular project via any out of box abp service ?

I want to use [Authorize(XXXPermissions.Reports.Default)] in the custom controller which in the XXXX.HttpApi.Host project. However It can get User or any other info. Even if admin authenticated and has the permission, _authorizationService.IsGrantedAnyAsync(ImmoProvPermissions.Reports.Default).Result is always false. How can I get Authorization info in this point?

Thanks I will try it out. Then let you know

It seems I have some issues in the Telerik reporting with Azure with Linux web app service. How can I add brand new Host Project to the existing Solution and align it with Auth server scopes?

I have another question regarding Telerik Reporting Installation. https://docs.telerik.com/reporting/embedding-reports/host-the-report-engine-remotely/asp.net-core-web-api-implementation/host-reports-service-in-.net-5

Following the installation steps given in the link above; in a ABP Solution(TelerikReporting), which project is more relevant to adding Telerik reporting dependencies (NuGet packages)? TelerikReporting.Application project or TelerikReporting.HttpAPI.Host project? Thanks

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40