Activities of "nabass"

hi liangshiwei there is no errors just error console what i did is creating simple project using ABP and create proxy according documentation and it works but when trying to change apiUrl as shown from another machine (we already created another big project) to use it's API i got this error so is there a file or code i should put within specific place to allows me put any API and it will work or what should i do?
i am sure there is a way to do this because it's not logic to create server side with client side what if i want to use just ABP Angular with it's features ? i will get API From another place so what i must do?

I write the code which you sent as but after that when i change language from UI in the application doesn't change layout to RTL

nothing change in Layout still menu at left side

this sample of code to get data according to selected culture //====================================================== var cultureName= CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name; var dbContext = await GetDbContextAsync();

var result = (await GetDbSetAsync()) .Join(dbContext.Set<JournalVoucherStatusCulture>(), journalStatus => journalStatus.Id, journalStatusCulture => journalStatusCulture.VoucherStatusId, (journalStatus, journalStatusCulture) => new { journalStatus, journalStatusCulture }) .Where(a => a.journalStatus.JournalStatusTitle.Contains(fiscalYearStatusTitle) && a.journalStatusCulture.CultureId == cultureName) .Select(x => new JournalStatusCul { Id = x.journalStatus.Id, JournalStatusTitle = x.journalStatusCulture.JournalStatusTitle != null ? x.journalStatusCulture.JournalStatusTitle : x.journalStatus.JournalStatusTitle });

Thank you for quickly response : and it is working with me after but this line System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; in webModule but there is another error because i use this line in my services var cultureName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name; and check if cultureName =='ar' do somthing, but now this variable cultureName gives me empty string , could you please advice .

Is there any way to use FluentValidation as attribute based validation? Alternatively, how can I apply FluentValidation inside the DTO so that it works for both the backend and the frontend?


here is my connection


yes you mean that to create new file with same name (modal-manager.js) and put it into same path then accept replace so the Q is where is the path should i found this file i found this docs and made the steps but i still can't find the file to override it


yes that's exactly what i tried to do but file is locked as i mentioned


ooooh it's so hard to upgrade i'm afraid from confliction to happen it is a company ERP System if i do anything wrong it my damage all source code is there any thing else please try to solve this bug by adding attr to <abp-date-picker> tag it's not logic to avoid focus from js file to allow it in all date picker what if i want to avoid auto focus from specific input not all inputs so please try to fix this thanks


Hi liangshiwei i searched for modal-manager.js file is locked so i can't change the code you put

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21