Can this help you? https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Angular/Form-Validation#how-to-add-new-error-messages
the validator should return "Confirm Password" with a space instead of "ConfirmPassword" as the error object.How could this be handled
Hi, Thanks for your response. The size of the uploaded profile picture is 762KB only.
Hi Sinan, Is the above mentioned issue got fixed? What should I do If it got fixed?
Hi Sinan, Thanks for your response.
Hi, Kindly give some solution on the above query
Hi, Do I want to install anything for this or will I get any update once fixed
Hi, I have tried both, even in eThemeLeptonXComponents.Logo respective component is not triggered, following is my code.
import { eThemeLeptonXComponents, eUserMenuItems } from '@volosoft/abp.ng.theme.lepton-x';
constructor(private replaceableComponents: ReplaceableComponentsService) {}
ngOnInit() {
component: MemberLogoComponent,// custom component having dynamic
key: eThemeLeptonXComponents.Logo
Hi, Understood, I got solved with Gdpr. Can I have any solution for replaceable components issue. In the top menu layout application I am still facing issues in replacing components using eThemeBasicComponents.Logo.
Hi, Kindly let me know the solution for the above scenario.