Activities of ""

Hi, I have tried both, even in eThemeLeptonXComponents.Logo respective component is not triggered, following is my code.

import { eThemeLeptonXComponents, eUserMenuItems } from '@volosoft/';

constructor(private replaceableComponents: ReplaceableComponentsService) {}

ngOnInit() {
      component: MemberLogoComponent,// custom component having dynamic
      key: eThemeLeptonXComponents.Logo

Hi, Understood, I got solved with Gdpr. Can I have any solution for replaceable components issue. In the top menu layout application I am still facing issues in replacing components using eThemeBasicComponents.Logo.

Hi, Kindly let me know the solution for the above scenario.


I have dynamic logo to change when switching tenants, so I am in need of replaceable component approach and trying to call the following code in app.component.ts

this.replaceableComponents.add({ component: CustomLogoComponent, key: eThemeBasicComponents.Logo });

I followed same link to replace the LogoComponent. In SideMenu layout application it is working fine and only in top menu I am facing issues that is not triggering replaced component.


I am using leptonx in angular and its version "@volosoft/": "~2.3.0" and "abp: 7.4.0"

Getting no error in the console or in compiler. Code changes are done for logo component replacement and only the respective component is not triggered.

The above image you have shared is right, that is what I need.

  • ABP Framework version: v 7.4.0

  • UI Type: Angular

  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

  • Exception message and full stack trace:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

    Hi, I am trying to customize the logo in my application it has top menu layout, used ThemeBasicModule and key called eThemeBasicComponents.Logo, custom component is not getting triggered in replaceable components.

In app.component.ts: import { eThemeBasicComponents } from '@abp/ng.theme.basic';

in constructor (private replaceableComponens: ReplaceableComponentsService) {}

calling this code OnInit of app component.

MemberLogoComponent declared in app.module.ts


And same code followed in side menu layout application and it is working as expected But having issues only in Top menu layout application, replaceable component is not getting triggered. Need support on this.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13