Activities of ""

Hi, Tried adding ITenantManager in expose services, but that didn't work. Getting the same exception in authserver logs I have attached the CustomTenantManager code below

namespace WDN.HealthySmiles.Tenants
    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    [ExposeServices(typeof(TenantManager), typeof(ITenantManager))]
    public class CustomTenantManager : TenantManager
        public CustomTenantManager(ITenantRepository tenantRepository) : base(tenantRepository)
        public virtual Task<bool> IsActiveAsyc(Tenant tenant)
            return Task.FromResult(tenant.ActivationState switch
                TenantActivationState.Active => true,
                TenantActivationState.Passive => true,
                TenantActivationState.ActiveWithLimitedTime => true,
                _ => true
        [Obsolete("Use IsActiveAsync method.")]
        public bool IsActive(Tenant tenant)
            return tenant.ActivationState switch
                TenantActivationState.Active => true,
                TenantActivationState.Passive => true,
                TenantActivationState.ActiveWithLimitedTime => true,
                _ => true
        public override Task<Tenant> CreateAsync(string name, Guid? editionId = null)
            return base.CreateAsync(name, editionId);

And also tried by adding the CustomTenantManager in expose service( * [ExposeServices(typeof(TenantManager), typeof(ITenantManager), typeof(CustomTenantManager))]* ), But this also not worked.

Hi,please find the gdrive link below

I have shared a image of logs, It has thrown business exception. The tenant id shared in the details line is the one which I tried to login.

for setting the logs, the below code has been used

public class Program
    public async static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Information)
            .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore", LogEventLevel.Warning)
            .WriteTo.Async(c => c.File("Logs/logs.txt", rollOnFileSizeLimit: true, fileSizeLimitBytes: 10485760, retainedFileCountLimit: 100))
            .WriteTo.Async(c => c.Console())

Please let me know if you cannot access logs file

I have tried the above given code by creating a new file and inherited the Tenantmanager . But that didn't work. I have added the code below. But when I tried overriding the createasync function, it worked, But the IsActiveAsync is not working. I cannot able to login a user who's subscription is ended(tenant activation end date is past date ).

I have followed this link for creating a custom tenantmanager file(

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Saas;
using Volo.Saas.Tenants;

namespace WDN.HealthySmiles.Tenants
    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    public class CustomTenantManager : TenantManager
        public CustomTenantManager(ITenantRepository tenantRepository) : base(tenantRepository)
        public virtual Task<bool> IsActiveAsyc(Tenant tenant)
            return Task.FromResult(tenant.ActivationState switch
                TenantActivationState.Active => true,
                TenantActivationState.Passive => true,
                TenantActivationState.ActiveWithLimitedTime => true,
                _ => true
        [Obsolete("Use IsActiveAsync method.")]
        public bool IsActive(Tenant tenant)
            return tenant.ActivationState switch
                TenantActivationState.Active => true,
                TenantActivationState.Passive => true,
                TenantActivationState.ActiveWithLimitedTime => true,
                _ => true

        public override  Task<Tenant> CreateAsync(string name, Guid? editionId = null)
            return base.CreateAsync(name, editionId);

I have added this code in the Domain layer . And also tried by adding [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] [ExposeServices(typeof(TenantManager))] and removing these lines based on the given lines in the above link (ExposeServices(typeof(IdentityUserManager))] attribute is required here since IdentityUserManager does not define an interface (like IIdentityUserManager) )

This is business requirement : Even after the subscription ends, The admin should access the portal and only one page should be visible(payment page). We have added subscription expiry date in tenant activation end date column. Is there any chance to handle this by overriding any methods?

Herewith i have attached video file for your reference, the flicker occurs at 0.33 second, tried the above given solution doesnot work

Repro steps: Create a page something other than homepage, open the page in incognito there will be a flicker issue, i use the same version mentioned above

As you can see the performance of the call - https://localhost:44370/api/account/profile-picture-file/fc6acc7a-ab15-e109-325e-3a0d8602930e

It takes almost 2 minutes to load the profile picture. however when we download the file from Azure blob it gets displayed in a milli-second. How can we optimize the performance of this call?

Can you provide me var UPPY_UPLOAD_ENDPOINT = $("#uploadEndpoint").val(); uppy endpoint URL and what does it refer,and what does getUppyHeaders refer to?

function getUppyHeaders() { var headers = {}; headers[] =; return headers; }

Can we connect remotely to check

i have added in authserver application only still the file size exceeds than the expected file size , the actual image size it 125kb

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