HI, sent you the email with the test projects
#region test InsertMany
var myBooks = new List< Book >();
for (var i = 0; i < 12000; i++)
myBooks.Add(new Book(i.ToString(),$"Title-{i}"));
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
await _bookRepository.InsertManyAsync(myBooks, true);
TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;
It takes 60 times longer !!!
We use InsertMany in import jobs and execution times have now gone from a few seconds to many minutes and those that used to take a few minutes now take hours.
We cannot upgrade to 8.1.0 stable because it would block the application in production.
From the release logs there is no evidence of changes in this area.
What has changed?
When creating an entity with abp suite, in the appservice, use IReadOnlyRepository for lookup entities rather than IRepository so it wont be tracking the entity
I have downloaded Abp suite version 8.1.0 but i still can't create a property of type "DateOnly" and "TimeOnly" inside an entity. When will this feature be available?
Success again today with the release of Abp 8.1.0
I think the problem depends on this https://commercial.abp.io/releases/pr/16597
Thank you, I await your feedback
I recommend closing this topic and highlighting what is in the Roadmap and what is not so that we can vote on which feature we consider priority.
Now there are many proposals, but we don't know what you are working on.
You did not understand the reported error. We don't need the temporary fix, but we need that when you release a new version it doesn't impact current projects. This error happens with every version release and blocks both the development and release pipelines.
This is a bug for me.
Thanks for your attention
@EngincanV : do you have any news on this?