Activities of "rogercprops"


I submitted a question 6452.

Mailiming gave us something to try. I asked that the question not be closed because we had not had a chance to test out the solution. Now that we have and it doesn't work we need a different solution.

I don't want this to be charged against our annual support question total since I specifically asked that it not be closed.

Thank you

Hi @mailiming,

I did review that document earl and as you pointed out, the autosave parameter is not mentioned.

It might be helpful to other to to update the documentation.


That fixed it. Thank you.

Is there mention of this in the documentation? If so, can you send a link?

Since this is a microservice that's part of our Microservice solution, I created a minimal repository using the Microservice Template and copied the notes service.

You should have everything you need to run it.


I just gave you read access to the GitHub repository:

  • ABP Framework version: v7.2.2
  • UI Type: N/A
  • Database System: EF Core SQL Server
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace: N/A

When an entity in the database is updated through an API call to the repository UpdateAsync method, I would expect it to return the concurrencyStamp that's updated in the database in the response. However it's returning the concurrencyStamp that was sent in the request. It returns the updated lastModificationTime and lastModifierId so I'm not sure why it doesn't return the updated concurrencyStamp

I've only found similar problems to this in Discord and the Abp support questions but no resolution.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Create a new module or application using Abp Suite
  • Create an entity as FullAuditedAggregateRoot. For example Note
  • Add properties to the entity
  • Save the project and generate the code
  • The Dto for the entity should have public string ConcurrencyStamp { get; set; }
  • In the domain service manager (e.g. public class NotesManager : DomainService) the UpdateAsync method should have
return await _noteRepository.UpdateAsync(note);
  • Using postman or some other method, call the POST method to add a new entity
  • Using postman or some other method, call the PUT method to update the entity created in the previous step
  • Make note of the concurrencyStamp returned
  • Look in the database table for the entity and note the concurrencyStamp in the table
  • Compare the concurrencyStamp of the PUT request payload and response
  • The concurrency stamps from in the request and response are the same

Here's the PUT request payload: { clientId: "6df04165-acd7-18dd-7ccd-3a0d2bc61b4a" clientName: "Peyton Floris" concurrencyStamp : "dbca526c0d9f4b69b49a4cf992fc0079" text: "Something something" }

Here's the response payload { "clientId": "6df04165-acd7-18dd-7ccd-3a0d2bc61b4a", "clientName": "Peyton Floris", "text": "Something something", "concurrencyStamp": "dbca526c0d9f4b69b49a4cf992fc0079", "isDeleted": false, "deleterId": null, "deletionTime": null, "lastModificationTime": "2024-01-25T11:17:09.740494-06:00", "lastModifierId": "9bb21ac9-d3ac-887e-b521-3a0c9c5d08d6", "creationTime": "2023-11-27T09:40:40.03589", "creatorId": "9bb21ac9-d3ac-887e-b521-3a0c9c5d08d6", "id": "b5a37273-6cfc-3a7f-f4f3-3a0f239d6c90" } Here's the concurrency stamp showing in the database. Please note, I'm the only one hitting this database in test 75aeaf08163242128737360e611e1496


We're woking on this but we need the HostTenantResolveContributer since we're getting the tenant from the url for our front-end application. For example: the tenant is agency1.

We're also exposing some services via API and need to get a token. The request will have the tenant in the request header if it is not for the host. The tenant will be left off the request header if it is for the host.

We'll try temporarily following your suggestion but we'll need to put the HostTenantResolveContributer back. So please don't close this ticket until we have everything working.

Thank you,


In the output I sent you, the Tenant was not passed because the admin userId is for the host (i.e. no tenant).

I've given you read access to the GitHub repositories oauth-api (.net API) & auth-server (Abp auth-server app)

I tried modifying the configmap for the nginx ingress controller and it still didn't work either with a tenant or without a tenant in the request.

Here's the postman request passing a tenant in node.js format . `const axios = require('axios');

let config = { method: 'post', maxBodyLength: Infinity, url: '***&UserName=EddyFitz&Password=', headers: { } };

axios.request(config) .then((response) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(; }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); });`

When I tried to get a token for a user in one of the SaaS tenants this is what's in the log for the AKS auth-server

024-01-08T14:27:23.291440312Z [14:27:23 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - - - 200 1652 application/json;charset=UTF-8 10.7121ms 2024-01-08T14:27:23.340415663Z [14:27:23 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST application/x-[www-form-urlencoded 361](http://www-form-urlencoded 361) 2024-01-08T14:27:23.341995658Z [14:27:23 INF] The request URI matched a server endpoint: Token. 2024-01-08T14:27:23.342031258Z [14:27:23 INF] The token request was successfully extracted: { 2024-01-08T14:27:23.342038958Z "grant_type": "password", 2024-01-08T14:27:23.342043558Z "username": "EddyFitz", 2024-01-08T14:27:23.342050958Z "password": "[redacted]", 2024-01-08T14:27:23.342816056Z "scope": "address email phone profile roles AccountService IdentityService AdministrationService SaasService ClientService ServicesService ClientServiceQueryService UserInfoQueryService DocumentService GuardianshipService NotesService ContactService EngagementLogService DocTemplateService FinancialsService", 2024-01-08T14:27:23.342856056Z "client_id": "PublicAPI", 2024-01-08T14:27:23.346486645Z "client_secret": "[redacted]" 2024-01-08T14:27:23.346807644Z }. 2024-01-08T14:27:24.199496948Z [14:27:24 INF] The token request was successfully validated. 2024-01-08T14:27:24.212204810Z [14:27:24 INF] Executing endpoint 'Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Controllers.TokenController.HandleAsync (Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.AspNetCore)' 2024-01-08T14:27:24.213356906Z [14:27:24 INF] Route matched with {action = "Handle", controller = "Token", area = "", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult] HandleAsync() on controller Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Controllers.TokenController (Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.AspNetCore). 2024-01-08T14:27:24.213624105Z [14:27:24 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy 2024-01-08T14:27:24.228731859Z [14:27:24 INF] Try to use LDAP for external authentication 2024-01-08T14:27:24.255050379Z [14:27:24 WRN] Ldap login feature is not enabled! 2024-01-08T14:27:24.257459872Z [14:27:24 INF] Try to use OAUTH for external authentication 2024-01-08T14:27:24.261001161Z [14:27:24 WRN] OAuth login feature is not enabled! 2024-01-08T14:27:24.515941685Z [14:27:24 INF] No user found matching username: EddyFitz 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566320632Z [14:27:24 INF] Executing ForbidResult with authentication schemes (["OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore"]). 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566390331Z [14:27:24 INF] The response was successfully returned as a JSON document: { 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566416131Z "error": "invalid_grant", 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566422131Z "error_description": "Invalid username or password!", 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566426931Z "error_uri": "" 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566431731Z }. 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566436331Z [14:27:24 INF] AuthenticationScheme: OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore was forbidden. 2024-01-08T14:27:24.566442731Z [14:27:24 INF] Executed action Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Controllers.TokenController.HandleAsync (Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.AspNetCore) in 348.651ms 2024-01-08T14:27:24.579174992Z [14:27:24 INF] Executed endpoint 'Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Controllers.TokenController.HandleAsync (Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.AspNetCore)' 2024-01-08T14:27:24.661847341Z [14:27:24 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST application/x-[www-form-urlencoded 361](http://www-form-urlencoded 361) - 400 155 application/json;charset=UTF-8 1321.5275ms 20

Here's the code for the .net API that uses the IdentityModel.Client;

`using IdentityModel.Client; using OauthToken.Models;

namespace OauthToken.Services { public class TokenService : ITokenService { private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public TokenService(IConfiguration configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;
    public async Task<TokenRequestResponse?> GetAccessToken(string? Tenant, string ClientId, string ClientSecret, string UserName, string Password)
        var apiEndpoint = _configuration.GetValue<string>("AuthServiceBaseUrl");
        var Scope = _configuration.GetValue<string>("Scope");
        var discoveryCache = new DiscoveryCache(apiEndpoint);
        var disco = await discoveryCache.GetAsync();
        var client = new HttpClient();

        var passwordTokenRequest = new PasswordTokenRequest
            Address = disco.TokenEndpoint,
            ClientId = ClientId,
            ClientSecret = ClientSecret,
            UserName = UserName,
            Password = Password,
            Scope = Scope

        if (Tenant != null) passwordTokenRequest.Headers.Add("__tenant", Tenant);
        var tokenResponse = await client.RequestPasswordTokenAsync(passwordTokenRequest);
        TokenRequestResponse tokenRequestResponse = new();

        if (tokenResponse.IsError)
            tokenRequestResponse.ErrorCode = (int)tokenResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode;
            tokenRequestResponse.Error = tokenResponse.ErrorDescription;
            tokenRequestResponse.AccessToken = tokenResponse.AccessToken;
            tokenRequestResponse.RefreshToken = tokenResponse.RefreshToken;
            tokenRequestResponse.ExpiresIn = tokenResponse.ExpiresIn;

        return tokenRequestResponse;



As I said, the databases are exactly the same. The database is SQL server running in a vm. localhost appsettings.json "ConnectionStrings": { "IdentityService": "Server=;Database=CloverleafCMS_Identity;User Id=*;password=;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;TrustServerCertificate=True",

auth-sever aks deployment manifest - name: "ConnectionStrings__IdentityService" value: "Server=;Database=CloverleafCMS_Identity;User Id=;password=;TrustServerCertificate=True"

Showing 21 to 30 of 47 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13