Hello, In Abp framework , do you need or use anything like you mentioned ? Don't you need to show creatorId or lastModifierId in the UI , angular , razor or in anything else ? Because I think this is a common approach and usage scenerio "showing creator or modifier name" in the UI. Could you give a reference from framework to understand the best practise.
Thank you.
Hello , Our requirement is just show creatorId and lastmodifierId which comes from FullAuditedAggregateRoot in the UI actually like below screenshot. They are in Guid format so we need to show name of the users. But we didn't want to join with AbpUser table directly because it is against the best practices, so we just saw an example in CmsKit and implemented it. So here the question we are asking is, in this case what should we do , this is not depend on business actually , this is related with how we should show creator user data in the UI which comes from audit entites, without joining with user table ?
I think I solved it, In the abp-modal manager component code the getModelId() not returning the whole name of the modal div id. :
It creates something like <div id="Abp_Modal_4955791625209750931Container" > ... but when we call getModalId() method it just get Abp_Modal_4955791625209750931 this part. So I just change the code below with adding string 'Container' to the end of modalId:
So now select2 can resolve dropdownParent correctly.
Maybe you can think about to add new method which get with div id in next releases. Thank you.
Ok , I got it Thank you for explanation.
Hello, Okey I can try but we have already use Volo.Abp.Swashbuckle library so we didn't need to install or upgrade Swashbuckle.AspNetCore and here I'm sharing the versions which we are using So you are offering to use Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package itself not to use Volo.Abp.Swashbuckle package, right ?
Hello, Steps like this :
There is nothing really special. Thank you.
Hello, Yes it works in different ports without subdirectory. I read this link related with this issue but it doesn't solve . Maybe it could be a hint for you : https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/6627