Hello To support a Legacy system we need to change length of Name and NormalizedName in SaaS module. Table "SaasTenants".
According to documentation it says: /* You can change max lengths for properties of the
I have identified following in SaaS module: Volo.Saas.TenantConsts.MaxNameLength
However this is a constant and cannot be changed.
What would be the correct (best) implementation to change the length of a field in SaaS module so it will reflect all the way up to UI?
Hello We just started a new project on 8.1.4 a few weeks ago, and now we need to update to 8.2.0. However we do not find any easy way to do the DB migration.
We expected there to be new migration steps to apply, but instead we just get one big initial migration, which will not work on an existing DB.
How do we obtain the delta migration steps (8.1.4 to 8.2.0) to apply to our DB?
We have searched documentation, but did not find anything on how to do this.