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License code is not valid #1229

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Neozzz created


I created a new microservice solution with the CLI:

abp new MainProject -t microservice-pro -u angular

Then I created a service inside the microservice solution using CLI:

abp new SubProject -t microservice-service-pro -d mongodb -u angular

  1. I couldn't find angular UI. Does it get added to the main angular project?

  2. I couldn't find any mongodb project inside.

  3. When I try to run the solution using dotnet run after I dotnet build I get License code is not valid error from the terminal. I copy pasted the license code from productservice appsettings into the newly created microservice appsettings. But it's showing the same error.

Please let me know if I am missing something.
Thank you

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3

  • UI type: microservice service

  • DB provider: EF Core

  • Exception message and stack trace:image.png

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

4 Answer(s)
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    yekalkan created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Angular Ui & MongoDB options are not available for microservice-service-pro template yet.

    When I try to run the solution using dotnet run after I dotnet build I get License code is not valid error from the terminal.

    Which solution (Project) did you try to run?

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    Neozzz created

    the newly created microservice service solution.

    updated 28th,apr.

    please update.

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    yekalkan created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I've run the following commands to recreate your project in my local:

    abp new MainProject -t microservice-pro -u angular
    abp new SubProject -t microservice-service-pro

    Then i navigated to \services\subProject\src\MainProject.SubProject.HttpApi.Host folder and run dotnet run command. I didn't encounter any license error. Please notify me if i missed a step.

    Note: It seems like CLI doesn't replace lisence code for microservice-service-pro pro template, we'll fix it in 4.3.1 version. However, this template shouldn't do any license check because it doesn't use any Commercial ABP module. Therefore i didn't encounter any license error. Even it checks, copying your license code from ProductService should clear the error.

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    Neozzz created

    Hi issue is resolved.
    I had added a file management service to the main solution.

    abp new FileMgmt -t microservice-service-pro
    cd services/FileMgmt/...Application
    abp add-module Volo.FileManagement
    dotnet add package Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database.MongoDB --version 4.3.0

    Turns out I have to add license to this project as well even though am only running the SubProject that doesn't require any commercial module.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08