ABP Framework version: v5.1.3
UI type: Angular
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
We need to understand the correct flow to separate main app and module. I try to explain our scenario:
Single app in ANZ moving to separate modules.
I have an app a small ERP system whit 2 module CRM and Invoicing. At the moment code is in a single solution with differnente (core/app/EF) single (angular project). So now we are working to rebuild in different module/services.
Our questions are:
CRM and Invoicing are module or app? If i look to ABP.io site support and community are 2 different url so I think that are 2 application. Is it correct? Is better consider CRM an app or a module?
Related to EF Migration. The ef migration are into the EF cs project, but I have look a lot of example and it's not clear where is correct to store migration on EF and when it doesn't. I have try to create a new app template and I found DBMigrator project but if I create a module this project not exists, in this second case where I put my add-migration? I need to create always an app (that has the Migratior project) add module and call my module dbcontext on migration project?
Actually one of the module has 2 dbcontext 1 MSSQL EF and 1 NoSQL mongodb, in that case the correct target we thnik could be 2 microservice 1 with EF and 1 with Mongo that can be orchastrated via RabbitMq(async) or ApiClient (sync). Is it correct?
have you some use guide/best practice to move angular based on metronic to angular based on lepton theme? Lepton theme has restriction use in conjuction with DevExpress or Telerik?
3 Answer(s)
I think you can create a microservice project to see how to integrate and migrate and deploy one or more modules.
https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/startup-templates/microservice/add-microservice -
I read the document that you has share/attach but not answer to my question about integration for 2 dbcontext which is the best practice to do that.
Has you any suggestion?
Actually one of the module has 2 dbcontext 1 MSSQL EF and 1 NoSQL mongodb, in that case the correct target we thnik could be 2 microservice 1 with EF and 1 with Mongo that can be orchastrated via RabbitMq(async) or ApiClient (sync). Is it correct?
Yes, You can't use ef and mongodb in one project at same time.