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.NET standard / .NET 6 ? #2673

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Jurjen created
  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.3
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core

We are wondering why some projects are .NET standard and others .NET 6.

We think we need make references from Application to several .NET 6 projects, we can off course 'upgrade' the Module 'Application' project to .NET 6 but we're not sure why it is a .NET standard project and what the consequences of this upgrade would be.

Are the .NET standard projects there for compatibility reasons, so they can be referenced by other type of solutions or platforms ?

Can you explain the reason behind that?

Kind regards, Jurjen.


            Application                     .NET standard
            Application.Contracts           .NET standard
            Blazor                                          .NET 6.0
            Blazor.WebAssembly                              .NET 6.0
            Domain                          .NET standard
            Domain.Shared                   .NET standard
            EntityFramework                                 .NET 6.0
            HttpApi.Client                  .NET standard
            HttpApi                                         .NET 6.0


            Application                                     .NET 6.0
            Application.Contracts           .NET standard
            Blazor                                          .NET 6.0
            DbMigrator                                      .NET 6.0
            Domain                                          .NET 6.0
            Domain.Shared                   .NET standard
            EntityFramework                                 .NET 6.0
            HttpApi                                         .NET 6.0
            HttpApi.Client                  .NET standard
            HttpApi.Host                                    .NET 6.0

1 Answer(s)
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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Module should be "more re-usable". Every project in the module template becomes reusable nuget packages (library). when you create a library, it is best to depend on the lowest possible framework. In this way, more platforms can use it. for the application template, only some of the projects have potential to be reusable by other type of applications.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40