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Missing IEmailSettingsAppService service registration for EmailSettingGroupViewComponent #2849

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raif created
  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.1
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Steps to reproduce:
  • Create new module project by using module template with ui
  • Perform db updates
  • Launch IdentityServer, ApiHost and WebHost
  • Use menu item of "Settings"

maybe there missing module definition at during code generation.

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi, this was a known problem and it's fixed in v5.2.0-rc.2. You can either upgrade your solution or follow the below steps to fix this problem:

    • Add the following packages to your *.Web.Host.csproj file:
    <PackageReference Include="Volo.Abp.SettingManagement.HttpApi.Client" Version="5.1.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="Volo.Abp.SettingManagement.Web" Version="5.1.1"/>
    • Add the related depends on statements:
        //other modules...
        typeof(AbpSettingManagementWebModule), //add this line
        typeof(AbpSettingManagementHttpApiClientModule) //add this line
    public class MyProjectNameWebHostModule : AbpModule

    I suggest you upgrade your application to the latest stable version which was released today (5.2.0). This problem and other small problems are fixed in the latest version.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21