For the latest version of ABP:
ABP Framework version: v5.2.1
UI type: MVC (Default)
I see that the commercial Forms module uses Vue 2.6, so I was wondering if ABP Framework with MVC supports all of Vue's features and plugins, and even Vue 3, out-of-the-box? Does this require additional configuration? If so, what is the bundler that ABP Framework with MVC is using and how do we configure it to use all Vue features or Vue 3 along with other third party libraries?
4 Answer(s)
The Forms module is a sample of how you can implement Vue2 to server-side rendering so that you can examine the bundling, component creations, etc.If you are looking for a template that implements all the commercial modules using Vue like the Angular template, no; we do not have an official Vue template like that.
I examined the Forms module but I couldn't find any dependencies for build tools, are you able to confirm if you are not using any build tools for bundling or compiling the Vue code (.js component files)?, since Vue 3 is backwards compatible with Vue 2, do you think I can replace the @abp/vue standard package (which uses Vue 2) with the Vue 3 official package (since I want to use Vue 3 in my application), and still have the ABP Forms module still working?
If not, what's the likelihood of the Forms module upgrading to Vue 3 within the next 2 years?
I examined the Forms module but I couldn't find any dependencies for build tools, are you able to confirm if you are not using any build tools for bundling or compiling the Vue code (.js component files)?, we do not use any build tools. It is embedded in .cshtml files as html.
Also, since Vue 3 is backwards compatible with Vue 2, do you think I can replace the @abp/vue standard package (which uses Vue 2) with the Vue 3 official package (since I want to use Vue 3 in my application), and still have the ABP Forms module still working?
You can surely try it and let us know the results and/or any problems you come across so that we can try to help you solve them.
If not, what's the likelihood of the Forms module upgrading to Vue 3 within the next 2 years?
We don't have plans for updating it for now. But if you think we should, please share it at support feature request.
Thank you for all the information! I have a better understanding now and I've decided to go forward with using Vue 3 (without build tools) with ABP MVC UI.