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Implement "pro"modues in the microservicedemo #316

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DannyDb created


I have been trying to implement the "pro"modues in the microservice-demo solution but I keep running into problems and errors. I have been swopping out dependencies all over but cannot seem to find a stable implementation. Every time I add a new module, something breaks, either existing functionality that worked, or a whole new issue. Below are but a few of the logged error I get.

  • [ERR] No policy defined to get/set permissions for the provider ''. Use PermissionManagementOptions to map the policy.
  • [ERR] An exception was thrown while activating Volo.Abp.Authorization.Permissions.UserPermissionValueProvider
  • System.InvalidOperationException: Endpoint /Identity/Roles/Index contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
  • System.Exception: An error was encountered while handling the remote login.
  • Volo.Abp.AbpException: There is already an existing permission group with name: AbpIdentity
  • [ERR] Invalid scope: TenantManagementService
  • Endpoint /AuditLogs/Index contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
  • [ERR] Remote service returns error! HttpStatusCode: NotFound, ReasonPhrase: Not Found (when trying to add permissions to roles)

The list goes on, but you get the idea.

Our solution consists of multiple Abp modules wrapped in microservices. They work 100% individually or as a unified web, but not as microservices.

My immediate need is to have a microservice solution that implements all the pro modules. Secondly to have the Lepton theme implemented. Can't get this working at all Finally be able to have UI Customizations. I am able to implement on the application-(BackendAdminApp.Host.csproj, AuthServer.Host.csproj,PublicWebSite.Host.csproj ) level, but not as a re-usable webmodule.

Can you please provide me with a working solution in a private repo as this is for pro modules?

below is out attempted solution structure.

** Notes

  • Theme is the Abp Lepton customizations
  • Docstore implements the File Management Module independently.
  • Saas/TenantManagement is moved into the Identity Server MS
  • The public facing portions of the modules will be in its own MS (cannot implement before the basics is working)

your help will be much appreciated.

8 Answer(s)
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    dmeagor created

    We were about to embark on something similar but your issues don't fill me with confidence.

    Can anyone there confirmis a commerical ABP microservice template is being setup? It seems like an obvious inclusion.

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Most of the solutions are in the documentation and microservice examples.

    In addition, the open source microservice example is no different from the pro microservice example. if you provide steps to reproduce, I will try help you reslove these problems.

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    DannyDb created

    Hi, I've now spend about 2 weeks mostly after hours getting the MS-Demo solution updated with pro modules. I need help getting this completed as there is no "pro microservice example" to work from. We have 13 modules that needs to be integrated and deployed to Azure but this is holding us back.

    I've been using standard generated templates for pro modules to try and piece together what I have so far. Unified Hosts works without issue. For tiered hosts I needed to rework some ABP integrated modules, but got that working as well. But I can't get the MS-Demo app working at all. I have my source (without wwwroot libs and AbpLicenseCodes) zipped (1.3mb) for review. How can I get this to you? I am unable to resolve the following issues:

    • TextTemplateManagement
      • not available as an option
    • FileManagement
      • ... contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
    • User Manage Profile
      • ... contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
    • logout
      • User never gets logged out. Reload home and user still logged in (Both Admin and Auth-Host)
    • AuthServer Host
      • Login page: language selection option not available
      • Lepton theme not applied.
    • Admin Settings Page
      • Account settings tab not available
    • Admin menu
      • Identity Server not available as an option
    • Seeding
      • Default data does not seem to be seeded
    • Custom Modules (our own created modules)
      • Variouse DI issues when using ABP modules.
        • FileManager (see above)
        • Page Customizations - Had to move these to the main host to work. can't seem to work as a module override.

    There are other errors in the log files, mostly "[INF] Authorization failed." which I also need some help with, but these are my main concerns to successfully present a demo to our client.

    Also, disabeling background jobs still results in polling of the DB.

    Your speedy response will be much appreciated.

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can send the reproduce project to my email. shiwei.liang@volosoft.com

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    DannyDb created

    Hi, I shared the code via onedrive. Please let me know if you got access.

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Yes I got the mail, I will reply you when I find the solution.

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I have sent you an email I made the following changes:

    1. Use https instead of http
    2. Add UseAuthentication and UseAuthorization to the AuthServerHostModule
    3. Add npm package to the package.json file and run yarn,gulp command
    4. Add multiple languages to AuthServerHostModule and BackendAdminAppHostModule
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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    closed due to inactivity...

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 13, 2025, 10:35