Activities of "DannyDb"

Hi, I shared the code via onedrive. Please let me know if you got access.

Hi, I've now spend about 2 weeks mostly after hours getting the MS-Demo solution updated with pro modules. I need help getting this completed as there is no "pro microservice example" to work from. We have 13 modules that needs to be integrated and deployed to Azure but this is holding us back.

I've been using standard generated templates for pro modules to try and piece together what I have so far. Unified Hosts works without issue. For tiered hosts I needed to rework some ABP integrated modules, but got that working as well. But I can't get the MS-Demo app working at all. I have my source (without wwwroot libs and AbpLicenseCodes) zipped (1.3mb) for review. How can I get this to you? I am unable to resolve the following issues:

  • TextTemplateManagement
    • not available as an option
  • FileManagement
    • ... contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
  • User Manage Profile
    • ... contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
  • logout
    • User never gets logged out. Reload home and user still logged in (Both Admin and Auth-Host)
  • AuthServer Host
    • Login page: language selection option not available
    • Lepton theme not applied.
  • Admin Settings Page
    • Account settings tab not available
  • Admin menu
    • Identity Server not available as an option
  • Seeding
    • Default data does not seem to be seeded
  • Custom Modules (our own created modules)
    • Variouse DI issues when using ABP modules.
      • FileManager (see above)
      • Page Customizations - Had to move these to the main host to work. can't seem to work as a module override.

There are other errors in the log files, mostly "[INF] Authorization failed." which I also need some help with, but these are my main concerns to successfully present a demo to our client.

Also, disabeling background jobs still results in polling of the DB.

Your speedy response will be much appreciated.


I have been trying to implement the "pro"modues in the microservice-demo solution but I keep running into problems and errors. I have been swopping out dependencies all over but cannot seem to find a stable implementation. Every time I add a new module, something breaks, either existing functionality that worked, or a whole new issue. Below are but a few of the logged error I get.

  • [ERR] No policy defined to get/set permissions for the provider ''. Use PermissionManagementOptions to map the policy.
  • [ERR] An exception was thrown while activating Volo.Abp.Authorization.Permissions.UserPermissionValueProvider
  • System.InvalidOperationException: Endpoint /Identity/Roles/Index contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
  • System.Exception: An error was encountered while handling the remote login.
  • Volo.Abp.AbpException: There is already an existing permission group with name: AbpIdentity
  • [ERR] Invalid scope: TenantManagementService
  • Endpoint /AuditLogs/Index contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports authorization.
  • [ERR] Remote service returns error! HttpStatusCode: NotFound, ReasonPhrase: Not Found (when trying to add permissions to roles)

The list goes on, but you get the idea.

Our solution consists of multiple Abp modules wrapped in microservices. They work 100% individually or as a unified web, but not as microservices.

My immediate need is to have a microservice solution that implements all the pro modules. Secondly to have the Lepton theme implemented. Can't get this working at all Finally be able to have UI Customizations. I am able to implement on the application-(BackendAdminApp.Host.csproj, AuthServer.Host.csproj,PublicWebSite.Host.csproj ) level, but not as a re-usable webmodule.

Can you please provide me with a working solution in a private repo as this is for pro modules?

below is out attempted solution structure.

** Notes

  • Theme is the Abp Lepton customizations
  • Docstore implements the File Management Module independently.
  • Saas/TenantManagement is moved into the Identity Server MS
  • The public facing portions of the modules will be in its own MS (cannot implement before the basics is working)

your help will be much appreciated.


PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.migrations.yml pull Pulling mongodb ... done Pulling redis ... done Pulling elasticsearch ... done Pulling logstash ... done Pulling kibana ... done Pulling sqlserver ... done Pulling restore-database ... done Pulling product-service ... done Pulling rabbitmq ... done Pulling identity-service ... done Pulling auth-server ... done Pulling backend-admin-app-gateway ... done Pulling backend-admin-app ... done Pulling blogging-service ... done Pulling internal-gateway ... done Pulling public-website-gateway ... done Pulling public-website ... done

PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.migrations.yml run restore-database
Creating network "microservicedemo_default" with the default driver Creating microservicedemo_sqlserver_1 ... done
mv: preserving permissions for '/var/opt/mssql/backup/MsDemo_Identity.bak': No data available mv: preserving permissions for '/var/opt/mssql/backup/MsDemo_ProductManagement.bak': No data available

Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : Login timeout expired. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : TCP Provider: Error code 0x2AF9. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.. SQL Server is starting up Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : Login timeout expired. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : TCP Provider: Error code 0x2AF9. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.. SQL Server is starting up Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : Login timeout expired. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : TCP Provider: Error code 0x2AF9. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.. SQL Server is starting up


Canceling connection... SQL Server is starting up ^Ctime="2020-05-03T19:46:20+02:00" level=error msg="Error waiting for container: failed to shutdown container: container dd60c4c7f3c0d0288fe6c8375741973873b611bda34ec78f3eeeb4696a1e79cb encountered an error during hcsshim::System::waitBackground: failure in a Windows system call: The virtual machine or container with the specified identifier is not running. (0xc0370110): subsequent terminate failed container dd60c4c7f3c0d0288fe6c8375741973873b611bda34ec78f3eeeb4696a1e79cb encountered an error during hcsshim::System::waitBackground: failure in a Windows system call: The virtual machine or container with the specified identifier is not running. (0xc0370110)" PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo>

I did have more luck running as linux containers, however this is not what we want. see the output below.

PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.migrations.yml pull Pulling elasticsearch ... done Pulling mongodb ... done Pulling kibana ... done Pulling rabbitmq ... done Pulling sqlserver ... done Pulling restore-database ... done Pulling redis ... done Pulling blogging-service ... done Pulling identity-service ... done Pulling product-service ... done Pulling internal-gateway ... done Pulling auth-server ... done Pulling public-website-gateway ... done Pulling backend-admin-app-gateway ... done Pulling backend-admin-app ... done Pulling logstash ... done Pulling public-website ... done

PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.migrations.yml run restore-database Starting microservicedemo_sqlserver_1 ... done name

master tempdb model msdb MsDemo_Identity MsDemo_ProductManagement

(6 rows affected) Processed 688 pages for database 'MsDemo_Identity', file 'MsDemo_Identity' on file 1. Processed 5 pages for database 'MsDemo_Identity', file 'MsDemo_Identity_log' on file 1. Converting database 'MsDemo_Identity' from version 869 to the current version 904. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 869 to version 875. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 875 to version 876. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 876 to version 877. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 877 to version 878. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 878 to version 879. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 879 to version 880. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 880 to version 881. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 881 to version 882. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 882 to version 883. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 883 to version 884. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 884 to version 885. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 885 to version 886. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 886 to version 887. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 887 to version 888. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 888 to version 889. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 889 to version 890. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 890 to version 891. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 891 to version 892. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 892 to version 893. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 893 to version 894. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 894 to version 895. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 895 to version 896. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 896 to version 897. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 897 to version 898. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 898 to version 899. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 899 to version 900. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 900 to version 901. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 901 to version 902. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 902 to version 903. Database 'MsDemo_Identity' running the upgrade step from version 903 to version 904. RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 693 pages in 0.052 seconds (104.032 MB/sec). Processed 384 pages for database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement', file 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' on file 1. Processed 6 pages for database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement', file 'MsDemo_ProductManagement_log' on file 1. Converting database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' from version 869 to the current version 904. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 869 to version 875. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 875 to version 876. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 876 to version 877. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 877 to version 878. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 878 to version 879. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 879 to version 880. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 880 to version 881. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 881 to version 882. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 882 to version 883. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 883 to version 884. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 884 to version 885. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 885 to version 886. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 886 to version 887. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 887 to version 888. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 888 to version 889. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 889 to version 890. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 890 to version 891. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 891 to version 892. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 892 to version 893. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 893 to version 894. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 894 to version 895. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 895 to version 896. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 896 to version 897. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 897 to version 898. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 898 to version 899. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 899 to version 900. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 900 to version 901. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 901 to version 902. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 902 to version 903. Database 'MsDemo_ProductManagement' running the upgrade step from version 903 to version 904. RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 390 pages in 0.038 seconds (80.052 MB/sec).

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected) PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo> docker-compose up -d microservicedemo_sqlserver_1 is up-to-date Creating microservicedemo_mongodb_1 ... done

Creating microservicedemo_elasticsearch_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_redis_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_rabbitmq_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_kibana_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_identity-service_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_blogging-service_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_product-service_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_logstash_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_public-website-gateway_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_internal-gateway_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_auth-server_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_backend-admin-app-gateway_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_public-website_1 ... done Creating microservicedemo_backend-admin-app_1 ... done PS C:\Affinity\rnd\abp-master\abp-master\samples\MicroserviceDemo>

Hi, I'm trying to run the Microservice-Demo in docker on windows 10. (v 19.03.8) I followed the steps as per :

the pull option succeeded, however the "Restore SQL Server databases" step falils with the following. the build option also failes with the following:

please can you assist

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13