Hi isn't possible to implement two authentication server with one identity server to separate the work load of customer portal and admin portal
if yes can you provide the solution?.
ex. (service1,service2, customerportal)------>authserver1 -----> identityserver <-----authserver2<---------(service1,service2, AdminPortal)
1 Answer(s)
The concept of Authentication Server is the web server where the IdentityServer is hosted.
Although, you can use different logout pages for your applications;
Angular application using resource owner flow (hosting its own login page) for your customers
Another angular application using resource owner flow (hosting its own login page) for your admin portal
These applications will still authenticate against the same AuthServer. They will just see different login pages.
Also, what do you mean by separating the work load of customer portal and admin portal? The point of AuthServer is authenticating your users from a single point. You can always build 2 different applications using 2 different user stores (user tables).