ABP Framework version: v6.0.0
UI type: MVC
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
Hi everyone,
I'm having a problem when I try to expand some extra properties on IdentityUser.
What I want to do is put 2 extra properties on IdentityUser as a column in the table, and I need to be able to insert infromation from de UI
First of all, I followed abp documentación by putting this code:
public static class WebAppEfCoreEntityExtensionMappings
> public static void Configure()
> {
> .....
> OneTimeRunner.Run(() =>
> {
> > ObjectExtensionManager.Instance
> > .MapEfCoreProperty<IdentityUser, AgentType>(
> > ExtendedIdentityUserConsts.AgentTypePropertyName
> > );
> > ObjectExtensionManager.Instance
> > .MapEfCoreProperty<IdentityUser, int>(
> > ExtendedIdentityUserConsts.AgentErpIdPropertyName
> > );
> });
> }
public static class WebAppModuleExtensionConfigurator
> ...
> private static void ConfigureExtraProperties()
> {
> ObjectExtensionManager.Instance.Modules()
> .ConfigureIdentity(identity =>
> {
> identity.ConfigureUser(user =>
> {
> user.AddOrUpdateProperty<AgentType>(
> ExtendedIdentityUserConsts.AgentTypePropertyName
> );
> user.AddOrUpdateProperty<int>(
> ExtendedIdentityUserConsts.AgentErpIdPropertyName
> );
> });
> });
> }
And finally created migrations.
Now, I have tow new columns in my database's AbpUsers table and these columns appear in the UI, but when I insert information from the UI, the new properties information go to the Extraproperties column of the table with JSON format.
If I delete the content of WebAppModuleExtensionConfigurator and try to put the information from code, this information go to the correct columns of the table in the database but then I haven't insert the information from the UI.
How can I solve this issue?
Thanks for all