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Creating new layout and use lepton x components in it ? #4358

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Thiqah.Abp.Dev4 created
  • ABP Framework version: v6.2
  • UI type: Angular - Theme Lepton X

I created a custom layout and i want to use components like the navbar, and breadcrumb components from the lepton x theme

5 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


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    Thiqah.Abp.Dev4 created

    Dear maliming, my issue "how can I use components from the theme in my custom layout " i want to use components like the navbar, and breadcrumb components from the lepton x theme

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    mahmut.gundogdu created

    Now I'm working on a document about this subject. It will be finished by the end of today. I will send the link

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    mahmut.gundogdu created

    This is just a draft of the doc. The documentation is waiting for review, but I have already tested. It works.

    Custom layout usage with Lepton X components

    First, The custom layout component should be created and implemented in the Angular application. Related content can be found at Component Replacement document

    After creating a custom layout, this imports should be imported on app.module.ts because the modules contains definitions of Lepton X components.

    // app.module.ts
    import { LpxSideMenuLayoutModule } from '@volosoft/ngx-lepton-x/layouts';
    import { LpxResponsiveModule } from '@volo/ngx-lepton-x.core';// optional. Only, if you are using lpxResponsive directive
     //... removed for clearity
      imports: [
      	//... removed for clearity
      	LpxResponsiveModule // <-- Optional
    export class AppModule {}

    Here is the simplified version of side-menu-layout.ts. Only ABP replaceable system components have been removed.

    <ng-container *lpxResponsive="'all md-none'">
        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="content"></ng-container>
      <ng-container *lpxResponsive="'md'">
        <div class="lpx-scroll-container ps" [perfectScrollbar]>
          <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="content"></ng-container>
      <ng-template #content>
          <div class="lpx-sidebar-container" *lpxResponsive="'md'">
            <div class="lpx-sidebar ps" [perfectScrollbar]>
              <div class="lpx-logo-container">
          <div class="lpx-content-container">
            <div class="lpx-topbar-container">
              <div class="lpx-topbar">
                <div class="lpx-breadcrumb-container">
                <div class="lpx-topbar-content">
            <div class="lpx-content-wrapper">
              <div class="lpx-content">
            <div class="lpx-footbar-container">
          <lpx-mobile-navbar *lpxResponsive="'all md-none'"></lpx-mobile-navbar>
          <div class="lpx-toolbar-container" *lpxResponsive="'md'">

    Add this code to your application template and customize it as desired.

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    Thiqah.Abp.Dev4 created

    Thanks bro every thing is working correctly

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