We are planning to upgrade our current implementation (Blazor UI) using ABP Framework v5.3 to a commercial license.
How to add below required commercial features into existing implementation:
Identity Server Management UI - Client Management
Audit Log Reporting UI
Account module features - Active Directory Login, Two-Factor Authentication, Email confirmation, Email/Phone verification
Leptone UI Theme
Ours is an tiered application with Blazor Web Assembly as UI framework.
• ABP Framework version: v5.3
• UI type: / Blazor Web Assembly
• DB provider: EF Core
• Tiered : Yes
• Identity Server Separated : yes
Please share exisiting project upgrade steps to commercial license
5 Answer(s)
You can use the suite to create a project with the same name and use the WinMerge tool to compare:
This will make your migration to commercial easier.
Support team,
Using "abp suite" command created new solution. Further how to create modules and identity projects in same solution?
Further how to create modules and identity projects in same solution?
Do you mean identity pro, saas, audit log etc..?they are pre-installed
How to resolve below visual studio solution build error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1101 Unable to find package Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.LeptonXTheme. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org 1 -
No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org 1
When you create a new project, you can see the
file and it includes ABP Commercial source , you can copycat to the project.