Lepton Theme website : https://x.leptontheme.com
After I change theme it works until I go to navigate and select some page again. Quite Annoying.
4 Answer(s)
Hi, when I look at your URL, I see it as
. The URL should be eitherhttps://x.leptontheme.com/side-menu/components/bootstrap/button
. Can you explain step by step how you are experiencing this problem? -
I got to https://x.leptontheme.com website and see the same as well. No difference. Every time when i choose a page I also have to choose a theme again to make the styles visible. seems like style sheets are not loaded every time I choose a page. Please check in incognito mode. And I am using this website from Australia . its been like this from a month now, so I thought I report it.
this is video link of problem https://clipchamp.com/watch/OF2A68DYvYu
Thank you for reporting the issue. We have opened an internal issue regarding this matter. We will look into this issue and resolve it as soon as possible.