Hi Abp Team,
Recently I have a problem with my own module that it cannot show the language, it run properly before and other modules are still ok for language loading.
Here my en.json file:
"culture": "en",
"texts": {
"SamplePageMessage": "A sample page for the SharedInformation module",
"Menu:SharedInformation": "Shared Information",
"Menu:GeographicalSubdivisions": "Geographical Subdivisions",
"Menu:Taxes": "Taxes",
"Menu:GeographicalSalesStructure": "Geographical Sales Structure",
"Menu:Others": "Others",
"Permission:Countries": "Countries",
"Permission:SharedInformation": "Shared Information",
"Permission:Create": "Create",
"Permission:Edit": "Edit",
"Permission:Delete": "Delete",
"Countries": "Countries",
"NewCountry": "New Country",
"Country": "Country",
"Menu:Countries": "Countries",
"SeeAdvancedFilters": "Advanced filters",
"DeleteConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"SavingConfirmationMessage": "Your data has been modified. Do you wish to leave and lose the pending changes?",
"FGKDeletetionException": "The deleting record is already used in table: {0}!"
2 Answer(s)
Could you provide the full steps to reproduce it?
PS: Localization document: https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Localization
I don't know the reason why and because the project is in rush so I generate the new module template and transfer the code from the error module to new, it's ok now. Thanks