Activities of "hanntd"


Hi, Because Chat module is currently not working if injected in Blazor Client as I reported in another ticket so I didn't injected but i forgot to remove in others project. I have remove Chat module in others projects and now my application running ok on production. Thanks

Here are of AuditLogContributor (I have fixed issue of NullReferenceException) and new log file:

public class ExtendedAuditLogContributor : AuditLogContributor
		public override void PreContribute(AuditLogContributionContext context)
			var urlProp = context.AuditInfo.GetProperty("ScreenUrl");
			var url = context.GetHttpContext().Request.Headers["screen-url"].ToString();
			if (urlProp != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
				context.AuditInfo.SetProperty("ScreenUrl", url);

		public override void PostContribute(AuditLogContributionContext context)
			var currentUser = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICurrentUser>();

			foreach (var change in context.AuditInfo.EntityChanges)
				var screenUrl = context.GetHttpContext().Request.Headers["screen-url"].ToString();
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenUrl))
				var uri = new Uri(screenUrl);
				var path = uri.PathAndQuery;
				var lastIndex = path.LastIndexOf('/');

				var urlDoc = path.Substring(0, lastIndex + 1);
				var docId = path.Substring(lastIndex + 1);

				change.SetProperty("ScreenUrl", urlDoc);
				change.SetProperty("DocId", docId);

				change.SetProperty("UserId", currentUser.Id);

Hi, I dev Blazor WebApp with v8.2 running well on development environment but when publishing to production running on nginx/ubuntu the error happened after clicked on Login button at Login Form. The home page still show ok, then click on Login --> Login Form show ok, too--> Enter user name and pwd, click login --> error happened: Link of Log file:

I have tried to re-generate module templates with latest version 8.2 and migrated my code (no changes anything) from the module using old version and now it can run well when integrating to Main Application Blazor WebApp. So I think the module template i'm using (generated from version v7) is not compatible for Blazor Web App. Thanks for your support

Hi, I tried to test with a fresh Main application and Module, it work ok, so i will review my module code. Do you have any special notes when developing blazor pages that can support for both blazor web assembly and blazor server? Thanks

I have changed access right, you can try again

Hi, I have uploaded to Google Drive and resend email to share link to you on the email. thanks,

I sent email to you. Thanks

Added BlazorServer and having new error:

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 13, 2024, 06:09