ademaygun created
- ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no
- Exception message and full stack trace:
The property or indexer 'IdentityUser.TenantId' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible.
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
I want to update the tenantId of the user in the IdentityUser(AbpUser) table, but the TenantId setter is written as "protected." Is there a way for me to update the user's tenantId ?
var user = await userRepository.GetAsync(userId);
user.TenantId = newTenantId; //compile error -> The property or indexer 'IdentityUser.TenantId' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible.