Hello Sumeyye, I apologize for my incorrect expression. Can you please try the same test by entering this address: https://localhost:44326/account/login instead of http://localhost:4200. (Do not start the Angular project)
Hello, But In MVC login(authorization code), if "remember me" is not active, when we close and open the browser, it asks us to log in again.
Hi Sumeyye, I don't understand what you mean. The "remember me" feature should work as @Sinan997 mentioned, but I don't think it does. Have you tried creating a new project?
Hi, Just checking if there's any update on my issue. Thanks
The "remember me" feature, whether it is authorization code or resource owner password, does not work properly in Angular. It is said that work is being done here, but it has not been fixed.
I know that the cookie needs to be deleted, I actually deleted it but it seems to remain, anyway the problem is solved
Accept: / Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: en Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 81 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: .AspNetCore.Culture=c%3Dtr%7Cuic%3Dtr; __tenant=39f7b3e6-b1a7-61af-ec9f-cc85613d2ec4 Host: localhost:44397 User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.40.0 Postman-Token: bb994fdb-b047-4a2f-b267-fe49fac1dbe8
HostModule:( I don't use Multitenancy)
//if (MultiTenancyConsts.IsEnabled)
// app.UseMultiTenancy();
When I try to get a token from Postman, I get the error "tenant not found". But I don't use Multitenancy feature. (Cookies is cleaned)
Hi, I found the solution; I set the 'Front Channel Logout URI' value to https://account.abc.com/account/logout, and my problem was resolved. However, if I upgrade my abp project to v.6+, it seems that you don't have such a solution in your OpenID Connect configuration
Hi, We have two separate projects on the same codebase. The first project needs to work with local login, while the second one needs to use external provider. Therefore, we need two identity servers. Currently, when we log out from the Angular UI (authorization code flow), it logouts from our project, but not from the external provider.
hi, Do you have any other suggestions?