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Impelmenting RESTful datasource #64

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rashed created

I have external Data source that provide REST services used for mobile application and I want to manage this datasource from inside ABP solution Ex: https://api.backendless.com/{APIkey}/{app key}/data/Merchant and I want to implement some screens inside ABP that consume these REST services and use ApplicationService and crud features in CrudAppService

that can't be done without using a class that implement IEntity which I can't do as the data is not in ABP database

what should I do

3 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    don't use CrudAppService if you don't have an entity. you need to create normal AppService

    public class MyAppService : ApplicationService, IMyAppService
        public async Task DoWorkAsync(DoWorkInput input)
             await _yourWebService.DoWorkAsync(input.myValue);
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    rashed created

    Yes but in that Case I lost a lot of powerful functionalities that CrudService provide .

    My question is how can I use most of its functionalties like paging ,sorting , filtering ,..

    There is a solution is to build a service like crud service but without the required params for Entities

    I'm asking if there is something already existed that can help

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    there's no way to use CrudService without an IEntity derivation. you need to make paging sorting filtering manually

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40