With code below, at the second unit of work section, the line var dbData = repository.GetAsync(inserted.Id); throw exception, there is no Such Entity? Though if check database later, the new record is inserted into database successfully. Does Mongo driver cache the data somewhere?
[UnitOfWork(IsDisabled = true)]
public async Task SubmitAsync(XXXinput dto)
using var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: true, isTransactional: true);
//Map dto to Domain entity
var inserted = await repository.InsertAysnc(domainEntity);
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await uow.CompleteAsync();
using var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: true, isTransactional: true);
var dbData = repository.GetAsync(inserted.Id);
//Other db operation
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await uow.CompleteAsync();
ABP Framework version: v7.2.3
UI Type: Angular / MVC / Blazor WASM / Blazor Server
Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB
Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no
Exception message and full stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:
3 Answer(s)
Though if check database later, the new record is inserted into database successfully.
Is the
in the database same as theinserted.Id
?You can set a breakpoint here to check the database to see if the record exists.
Inserted does return Id, line var dbData = repository.GetAsync(inserted.Id); throw exception, can not find entity with Id xxxxx in log, and that guid value is the Guid in MongoDb.
It looks like use .InsertAysnc(entity,true) resolved the problem.