canh.nguyen@efibot.com created
Check the docs before asking a question: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/ Check the samples to see the basic tasks: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/samples/index The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, and please first use the search on the homepage. Provide us with the following info:
- ABP Framework version: v8.1.1
- UI Type: Angular / MVC / Blazor WASM
- Database System: EF Core - SQL Server
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
- Exception message and full stack trace: Can not show LanguageSwitchViewComponent after upgrade from abp 7 to abp 8.1.1
- Steps to reproduce the issue: After upgrading ABP from version 7 to 8.1.1, my application is running, but I cannot access the LanguageSwitchViewComponent in the UI. How can I fix this?
3 Answer(s)
Can you share some code to reproduce this, or can you reproduce this in the new 8.1.1 template project?
Can you share some code to reproduce this, or can you reproduce this in the new 8.1.1 template project?
Thank you,
I also attach the code:
<div class="card-header"> <h2 class="card-title d-inline-block">@PageLayout.Content.Title</h2> @if (LocalizationOptions.Value.Languages.Count > 1) { <nav class="navbar navbar-expand p-0 pt-1 float-right"> <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto toolbar-nav"> <li class="nav-item"> @(await Component.InvokeAsync<LanguageSwitchViewComponent>()) </li> </ul> </nav> } </div>
Can you share more steps? Which project and what page have you added your code to?
Are you using Lepton theme or LeptonX theme?