- ABP Framework version: v8.3.0
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no
- Exception message and full stack trace:
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
How to get source code of abp.commercial.ng.ui package and repalce in angular project for the customization.
9 Answer(s)
please check https://www.npmjs.com/package/@volo/abp.commercial.ng.ui?activeTab=code
I'm interested in obtaining the source code for the all npm packages. I'd like to have access to all components and CSS code.
Since this seems to be compiled code, I'm assuming you have the original source available. If you're open to discussing this further, I'd be happy to connect over a call. As a reminder, I hold a commercial business license.
As i have downloaded the the packages using abp suite, unable to build packages again
Could you please help me wih that? give me example for build lepton-x package.
Hi, as far as I understand you want to download some angular packages of ABP Angular. To do that you can use 2 command of ABP CLI.
- abp add-package
- abp get-source
If you wanna inculde commercial-ui library to your exitsing project as angular library. Run command below
abp add-package @volo/abp.commercial.ng.ui --with-source-code --old
Note: If you using new Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli pass --old as argument if not don't need it. Also update tsconfig file in library. It extends tsconfig.base.json file in our angular solution
This will add commercial-ui library as angular lib to your project.
But we are not providing all library like that some of them you need to download source-code with
command and move the libs manually or it'll bring and replace as local-ref backend project in your solutionabp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro --version 3.2.1 --old
As you can see it's download all items in module. But you can use the only angular library under angular/projects/ folder. Remove other files. Just keep (lepton-x | lepton-x-abp-core | lepton-x-core | volo-lepton-x) angular libraries
Lastly, right after download source code. Define this libraries to angular.json > projects section and add to tsconfig.json > paths section as library.
Getting error after connect to local libraries. please help me to get it resolved as soon as possible as we completely block
Root angular.json
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Hi again, can you please send me your example project for the re-produce error exactly ? You can send to masum.ulu@volosoft.com mail
Hi again, can you please send me your example project for the re-produce error exactly ? You can send to masum.ulu@volosoft.com mail
Hi Masum,
Its a generic issue. Create a new project using latest ABP Studio microservice template.
- ABP Framework version: v8.3.0
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
- UI Theme: LeptonX
After Creation new microservice project 2. Create new packages folder under angular folder and add some of npm packages source code.
Now replace npm packages to with source code of packages folder and remove that packages from package.json
Define this libraries to **angular.json > projects ** section and add to tsconfig.json > paths section as library as you mentoned in previous comments.
Replace the css styles will local projects references in angular.json
Try to build and run the solution
You can share the project with me on ghadage70@gmail.com
Hi I'll try and notify you. The template doesn't effect the result yet I'll try in Microservice template
Hi again,
I've created Microservice project via ABP Studio, right after I've include abp-commercial-ui package to angular project with
abp add-package @volo/abp.commercial.ng.ui --with-source-code --old
command --old because of I'm using Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli tool at my global and I've updated a component inside of this package and the changes effected correctly.Now I'll try lepton-x source code replacetment and I'll notify you