Abp Studio Solution Configuration
Created ABP Studio Version: 0.9.13
Multi-Tenancy: Yes
UI Framework: mvc
Theme: leptonx
Theme Style: system
Database Provider: ef
Database Management System: sqlserver
Mobile Framework: none
Public Website: No
Include Tests: Yes
Exception message and full stack trace: I'm getting 2 errors and I'm not sure if they're related.
When I open Abp Studio I get this message:
Some pre-requirements are missing. If you want the application to work as expected, you need to install the following tool(s):
- PowerShell as a dotnet global tool. (Installation link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/introducing-powershell-as-net-global-tool)
- node. (Installation link: https://nodejs.org/en)
- Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli as a dotnet global tool. (Installation link: https://abp.io/docs/latest/cli)
- dotnet-ef as a dotnet global tool. (Installation link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/cli/dotnet)
- mkcert. (Installation link: https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert)
If you have already installed the tool(s), please check the PATH environment variable.
Unfortunately your documentation doesn't list the prerequisites for Mac or how to install if they're missing.
The second issue shows up in the logs
4:33:44.349 Information Trying to connect to ABP Studio Backend: "http://localhost:38271"14:33:49.385 Information Trying to connect to ABP Studio Backend: "http://localhost:38271"
14:33:54.420 Information Trying to connect to ABP Studio Backend: "http://localhost:38271"
14:33:54.422 Warning Could not connect to ABP Studio Backend! Detail: "Failed to connect to StreamingHub 'IStudioBackendHub'. (Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Error connecting to subchannel.", DebugException="System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Connection refused"))"
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Upgraded abp cli and .net to v9.0
Installed abp Studio for Mac
uninstalled abp cli
dotnet tool uninstall -g Volo.Abp.Cli -
Installed Abp studio as a global
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli -
Opened Studio
Got the pre-requisites error
Viewed the logs and saw the Backend connection error
Verified verified that each pre-requisite installed via the terminal command line:
rogerhopkins@MacBookPro ~ % node -v
rogerhopkins@MacBookPro ~ % dotnet-ef --version
Entity Framework Core .NET Command-line Tools
rogerhopkins@MacBookPro ~ % mkcert --version
rogerhopkins@MacBookPro ~ % pwsh
PowerShell 7.4.6
PS /Users/rogerhopkins>
1 Answer(s)
It's a known issue, try this:
sudo open /Applications/ABP\ Studio.app
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