Hello ,
I want to customize the new user modal :
the customization requires adding a random password generation function to the password input in modal , and set initial value for Force password change checkbox.
The random password generation function can be inherited from this feature where we have a button to generate random password:
questions : Which components should be ovewritten to achieve such actions in user creation modal ? From which component should I analyze the code to get the random password generating function ?
- ABP Framework version: 9.0.2
- UI Type: Blazor Server
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Serve)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
15 Answer(s)
Hello ,
i know that this function exsists , but isn't it design to modify exsisting password ?
my goal is to re-use this function by customizing New User modal
Is there something for Blazor Server like extending a forms ?
Hi, I apologize for the confusion regarding Angular ui. I’ve removed my answer, and my teammate will assist you with this moving forward.
Hi , thank You,
I've copied UserManagement.razor , component into Pages/Identity in my project. I've installed Blazorise.Treeview lib , with the Excubo.Blazor.TreeViews class.
Unfortunatelly I have some errors in this part of code :
I cannot resolve @context parameter and for the item :
I've checked how it is done in You Identity.Pro solution and there is no declaration of this params. Also my IDE do not mark the attributes like "Items" , "HasChildren" like in Your code below :
somehow my copied component do not "see" this parameters.
You have some hints maybe ?
I've installed Blazorise.Treeview lib , with the Excubo.Blazor.TreeViews class.
Please remove
When I will remove Blazorise.Treeview , the components in the code screens like <TreeView , wont be available to resolve the component type. And my solution won't compile. Main error is : [CS0234] The type or namespace name 'TreeView' does not exist in the namespace 'Blazorise' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
We use
libary, you can install it and add the import to theimport.razor
Hi , thanks that helped.
I'm facing now another issue , from blazor.web.js.
Error: System.InvalidOperationException: The following routes are ambiguous: 'identity/users' in 'X.Blazor.Components.Pages.Identity.CustomUserManagement' 'identity/users' in 'Volo.Abp.Identity.Pro.Blazor.Pages.Identity.UserManagement'
in my BlazorModule i have such configuration which registers already all AdditionalAssemblies:
`app.UseConfiguredEndpoints(builder => {
var additionalAssemblies = builder.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions>()
.AddAdditionalAssemblies(additionalAssemblies); });`
anyway I'm getting this ambigous error. Maybe there is some problem that the route is the same ? ( i want to leave it unchagned )
Could you share your code screenshots?
Hi ,
the code is exactly the same as in Identity.Account.Pro. I have only changed the name for my CustomUserManagement component. This component contains a route for : @page "/identity/users"
and it is placed in Blazor.csproj in the path Components/Pages/Identity
You don't need to add
@page "/identity/users"
@inherits UserManagement ...My page
[ExposeServices(typeof(UserManagement))] [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] public partial class CustomUserManagement { }
Hi , thanks very much that helped :)
One more question regarding UserManagement customization.
Is there a possibility to add another option for particular user action context menu ?
I want to add an option for admin , to reset Authenticator for specified user. It can work similar like in example - Set Password feature
I'm aware that I can user Account App Service but is there a possibility to overwrite this method :
and reset the authenticator for a particular user for which the context action is performed ?