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Language Text changes to be platform wide #8778

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Bryan-EDV created
  • ABP Framework version: v9.0.2

  • UI Type: Angular / MVC

  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..)

  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

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Hi, we noticed that language texts have to be changed in each tenant.

Is there a way to set it platform wide? ie. changing the language text in Host will be applicable for all Tenants.


5 Answer(s)
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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer


    For this, you can override the following CreateFilterExpression method in the MyAppDbContext class in the MyApp.EntityFrameworkCore project of your application as follows:

    protected override Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>>? CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> expression = null;
            if (typeof(ISoftDelete).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)))
                var softDeleteColumnName = modelBuilder.Entity<TEntity>().Metadata.FindProperty(nameof(ISoftDelete.IsDeleted))?.GetColumnName() ?? "IsDeleted";
                expression = e => !IsSoftDeleteFilterEnabled || !EF.Property<bool>(e, softDeleteColumnName);
                if (UseDbFunction())
                    expression = e => AbpEfCoreDataFilterDbFunctionMethods.SoftDeleteFilter(((ISoftDelete)e).IsDeleted, true);
                    modelBuilder.ConfigureSoftDeleteDbFunction(AbpEfCoreDataFilterDbFunctionMethods.SoftDeleteFilterMethodInfo, this.GetService<AbpEfCoreCurrentDbContext>());
            if (typeof(IMultiTenant).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)) && typeof(TEntity) != typeof(LanguageText))
                var multiTenantColumnName = modelBuilder.Entity<TEntity>().Metadata.FindProperty(nameof(IMultiTenant.TenantId))?.GetColumnName() ?? "TenantId";
                Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> multiTenantFilter = e => !IsMultiTenantFilterEnabled || EF.Property<Guid>(e, multiTenantColumnName) == CurrentTenantId;
                if (UseDbFunction())
                    multiTenantFilter = e => AbpEfCoreDataFilterDbFunctionMethods.MultiTenantFilter(((IMultiTenant)e).TenantId, CurrentTenantId, true);
                    modelBuilder.ConfigureMultiTenantDbFunction(AbpEfCoreDataFilterDbFunctionMethods.MultiTenantFilterMethodInfo, this.GetService<AbpEfCoreCurrentDbContext>());
                expression = expression == null ? multiTenantFilter : QueryFilterExpressionHelper.CombineExpressions(expression, multiTenantFilter);
            return expression;

    Then you need to replace the LanguageManagementDbContext from DI Container as in the picture below:

    Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 12.53.47.png

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    Bryan-EDV created

    Hi berkansasmaz,

    I've done the following as you mentioned, however the text in tenants are still different from what' we've set in host

    Changed host text (Recommended Realplays --changed to--> Your Recommended Realplays)

    old default value in en.json

    However, despite implementing code you provided, the tenant still sees different (old) text:

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    Bryan-EDV created

    After some testing, i did notice that language texts that do not have a base value in that language will cascade fine.

    I set value of Deutsch translation to "Guten Tag" in host, that seems to cascade to tenant fine. There is no value for HomePage:Title2 in the de-DE.json

    • When text is defined in en.json, it does not cascade down to tenant (even when updated by host)

    • When text is not defined in languagexxx.json file, and updated in GUI by host, it will cascade to tenants

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    Bryan-EDV created

    Hi any response on this? thanks

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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer


    Looks interesting, please share your solution via email (to with ticket number) if possible, so we can resolve your issue faster.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 20, 2025, 18:00