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Catch BusinessException from IDistributedEventHandler #8838

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badassgr1 created

Hi, i'd like to catch a BusinessException in a DistributedHandler(IDistributedEventHandler) from an api call , i put [UnitOfWork(true)] attribute in both classes and verify i m in same uow but i only got error : TypeError: Failed to fetch,
Any clue ?

3 Answer(s)
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    enisn created
    Support Team .NET Developer


    Can you provide sample codes that explains your case?

    As I uınderstand, you inject a service inside your EventHandler and trying to catch exception that is thrown in that injected service or any of it's dependencies, right?

    Normally you can catch them, if you do not catch and throw an exception from a handler, that makes that execution is failed and it'll be re-tried. If you don't want to execute that handler again, you should handle and don't throw exception in the handler

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    badassgr1 created

    Hi enisn :

    for example i got a IDistributedEventHandler witch got an error

    public class OrderHandler : IDistributedEventHandler, ITransientDependency
        private readonly OrderReservationManager _orderReservationManager;
        public OrderHandler(OrderReservationManager orderReservationManager)
            _orderReservationManager = orderReservationManager;
        public async Task HandleEventAsync(OrderEto eventData)

    call by this from another domain :

    public class StockAppService : IStockAppService
        private readonly IStockRepository _stockRepository;
        public StockAppService(IStockRepository stockRepository)
         _stockRepository = stockRepository;
        public virtual async Task<Guid> OrderItemAsync(FieldPlanCreateDto input)
            await _stockRepository.UpdateStock(input.item);
            AddDistributedEvent(new OrderEto
                Item = input.item

    if i got an error on StockAppService , error is return correctly(_AbpErrorFormat, error.Data in json) but an error HandleEventAsync always return TypeError: Failed to fetch.

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    enisn created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Are they running on the same instance of application? Or you're using in a micro-service project?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 19, 2025, 10:09