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How to override or better handle generate-proxy ng output for custom ActionResult endpoints? #8857

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david1 created

Is there a suggested way to handle ActionResult custom endpoints e.g. suppose I have a custom controller with a custom endpoint:

namespace Core.Models.Transmittal
    [RemoteService(Name = "Core")]

    public class TransmittalController : TransmittalControllerBase, ITransmittalsAppService
        public async Task>> GetMyCustomEndpoint() { ... }

Upon running abp generate-proxy -t ng -m core -u https://localhost:44311 the output is a separate and invalid .ts file:

mvc\models.ts (note: this is invalid Typescript output; the below file does not compile)

export interface ActionResult {

export interface ActionResult {
  result: ActionResult;
  value: TValue;

export interface IActionResult {

And in the generated proxy output transmittal.service.ts:

      method: 'GET',
      url: '/api/core/transmittals/my-custom-endpoint',
      params: { },
    { apiName: this.apiName,...config });

The endpoint only uses ActionResult to change the status response e.g. Ok() or NoContent() or some custom status code response but the actual output should just be the PagedResultDto<string>

Is there something I'm missing here? ActionResult<T> responses are a special exception so I'm not entirely sure why the mvc\models.ts output is showing the generated output of ActionResult<TValue> with a result self-referencing itself (this is invalid Typescript generation too so the output does not compile).

  • ABP Framework version: v 9.0.52, (cli: 0.9.23 )

  • UI Type: Angular

  • Database System: EF Core

  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Auth Server Separated

  • Exception message and full stack trace:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    sumeyye.kurtulus created
    Support Team Angular Expert

    Hello, as far as I have understood you will need to use ActionResult in the controller in some way.

    To resolve this problem, you can consider using a structured base class like ActionResultBase. This ensures a consistent response format while maintaining compatibility with ABP’s proxy generation. Here’s an example implementation:

    using Ticket8857.Controllers;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
    public class ActionResultBase
        public bool Success { get; set; }
        public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
        public List ValidationErrors { get; set; }
        public ActionResultBase()
            ValidationErrors = new List();
    public class ActionResult : ActionResultBase
        public ActionResultBase Result { get; set; }
        public TValue Value { get; set; }
        public ActionResult(ActionResultBase result, TValue value)
            Result = result;
            Value = value;
    namespace Ticket8857.HttpApi.Controllers
        public class MyCustomController : Ticket8857Controller
            public async Task>> GetSomethingAsync()
                var result = new PagedResultDto(
                    totalCount: 1,
                    items: new List { "Success" }
                return new ActionResult>(new ActionResultBase(), result);

    If you think that this does not cover your case, I can assist you further.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08