Hi, when we signed up for ABP license in March 2024, we had various items included like access to Pro Source code, but due to changes made to pricing model / subscription tiers subsequently, we cannot see this access Pro Source code as this is now only available on the Business Tier Subscription, and we are on the Team license.
Is this something you can fix please so we have access to this as part of our existing subscription and as part of our renewal in March please?
4 Answer(s)
Hello, I have forwarded your problem to the relevant people and they will contact you.
We have looked into your case, but we have never given source code access with the Team license. I think you are confusing it with open-source code.
Hi, we were on a call this morning with Enis / Elif and they agreed. When we bought the license in March 2024, the commercial subscription we bought included pro modules and pro themes, as well as source code of all modules, including the pro modules. We HAD access to these, but now we don't, hence the reason for raising the support ticket.
You can see from here on he https://web.archive.org/web/20240521030018/https://commercial.abp.io/pricing?utm_source=milanw&utm_medium=w81 that is a snapshot of the pricing page from May 2024.
I talked to my relevant teammates and tried to verify the source you provided. However, I think there is a misunderstanding because there is no CSS and JS information in the source you provided. You can find the screenshot from the relevant months below:
By the way, there is no CSS and JS for 2024 in the source you threw, but if you look at the previous year, for example 2023, you can find screenshots there. See: https://web.archive.org/web/20230322115719/https://commercial.abp.io/Pricing
So I can say that we never give source code with a Team license. However, you mentioned that you have access to some PRO modules, which are they?