ABP Framework version: v7.3.3
UI Type: Angular
Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Separated for Angular
Exception message and full stack trace:
Hi guys,
we are experiencing issues with the permissions being cached on our system
This is a log from our application insight:
Timeout awaiting response (outbound=0KiB, inbound=0KiB, 5428ms elapsed, timeout is 5000ms), command=HMGET, next: HMGET c:Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.PermissionGrant,k:Flyguys:pn:C,pk:AdministrationService,n:AbpIdentity.Users, inst: 0, qu: 0, qs: 0, aw: False, bw: SpinningDown, rs: ReadAsync, ws: Idle, in: 0, last-in: 28, cur-in: 0, sync-ops: 62, async-ops: 155618, serverEndpoint: flyguys20-shared-arc-prod-eastus.redis.cache.windows.net:6380, conn-sec: 44464.33, aoc: 0, mc: 1/1/0, mgr: 10 of 10 available, clientName: flyguys20-e05cd8f5(SE.Redis-v2.6.122.38350), IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=1,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=32765,Min=8,Max=32767), POOL: (Threads=8,QueuedItems=0,CompletedItems=7239990,Timers=259), v: (Please take a look at this article for some common client-side issues that can cause timeouts: https://stackexchange.github.io/StackExchange.Redis/Timeouts)
We are using Azure Redis Cache for our implementation:
For reference I queried all the keys on the Azure Redis Cache and we got this:
We enabled so the permissions are being read from cache and not queried from the DB (We followed an abp guide to do this) and whenever an user logs in to Angular (it loads permissions and other set of configurations ABP has) it takes a very long time to read those from cache.
We have a total of 1073465 rows in AbpPermissionGrants
We have a total of 29 rows in AbpPermissionGroups
and a total of 1947 in AbpPermissions.
Is there any recomendations on how we can improve the permission process whenever a user is logging into Angular?
1 Answer(s)
Can you enable and share the
logs whena user logs in to Angular (it loads permissions and other configurations ABP has)? It takes a very long time to read those from cache.