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Incorrect subdomain redirection in multi-tenant system. Abp 9.1 #8994

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user5.abpio created

I updated my commercial project from 7.4 to 9.1. The multi-tenant system is active. When I try to enter the administration (Angular) panel on the server, it automatically brings “api” to the end of the subdomain name and a subdomain address that I do not have appears and falls into CORS error.

For host tenant:
Angular subdomain : xtest
Api subdomain : xapitest

Faulty subdomain that the system automatically tries to go to: xtestapi

Is there anywhere I need to change about this after the update?

3 Answer(s)
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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer


    You can check this document to add domain or subdomain tenant resolver in Angular. There is probably a problem with your angular environment. However, you can resolve this error by comparing it with the document.

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    user5.abpio created

    Thanks for the response. I solved this problem, but there was a problem with the login process. Although authentication is successful in the login process, redirect_uri is looping in a meaningless way and requests are constantly thrown on the screen. In Firefox I get an unauthorized site screen, in Chrome the request ends with stopped because the url is too long. If I press F5 and refresh the screen, the site comes up correctly.

    Unfortunately I couldn't overcome this problem so I reverted back to version 7.4.

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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer


    I understand, my advice would be to create a 9.1 project from scratch and compare the differences with your own project.

    Also, if you have not looked at it, I recommend you to look at the related migration guides while doing the upgrade process. See:

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 20, 2025, 18:00