Activities of "15021087273"


I used ABP CLI to create the latest version of the project, and the following is a detailed command line: abp new LaunchX -u angular -dbms PostgreSQL -m maui --separate-auth-server --theme leptonx --pwa -csf --public-website

the project name is LaunchX and I created this project on October 21, 2024

After following the steps to get the project running smoothly, I tried to create a new user and encountered the following problem: Step 1. Input User information

Step 2. Click Save button

Http Requests information on ABP Studio

I hope you can help me check if the following is in the account There is a bug in Pro. Many Thanks.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on October 22, 2024, 09:35